
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Doktorska dela (5)

  1. Fjolla Kaçaniku: Pospeševanje kulture kakovosti v začetnem izobraževanju učiteljev na Kosovu v kontekstu evropskih iniciativ
  2. Sintayehu Kassaye Alemu: Konceptualizacija internacionalizacije visokega izobraževanja in akademske profesije s primerjalno analizo Evrope, Pacifiškega dela Azije in Afrike
  3. Sina Westa: Akademska svoboda v poučevanju v visokem šolstvu v Evropi in v azijsko-pacifiškem območju
  4. Maruša Hauptman Komotar: Internacionalizacija in zagotavljanje kakovosti v visokem šolstvu v Sloveniji in na Nizozemskem
  5. Katarina Aškerc Zadravec: Mednarodna razsežnost kurikuluma v visokošolskih študijskih programih

Magistrska dela (3)

  1. Klemen Miklavič: Bolonjski proces - pot v modernizacijo visokega šolstva?
  2. Mojca Žvokelj: Izvajanje projekta Izobraževanje za demokratično državljanstvo v osnovni šoli ter možnosti izvajanja v osnovni šoli z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom
  3. Matija Grešak: Družbenost duševnih stisk v luči teorije Ericha Fromma

Diplomska dela (2)

  1. Barbara Vrečar: Nihilizem in mladi
  2. Alice Štampar: Socialnopedagoški pogled na ideje Ivana Illicha in njegovo kritiko šolstva v knjigi Deschooling society

Druga dela (83)

  1. Pavel Zgaga: "Concerting" doctoral studies for the European higher education area
  2. Pavel Zgaga: Mobility and the European dimension in teacher education
  3. Pavel Zgaga: Internationalization, competition and/or cooperation - "small"/"periphery" countries' perspectives
  4. Vednost, vrlina, vzgoja
  5. Pavel Zgaga: How should Europe handle the globalisation?
  6. Pavel Zgaga: The development of a standard-setting instrument on academic freedom and institutional autonomy
  7. Pavel Zgaga, Manja Klemenčič, Janja Komljenovič, Klemen Miklavič, Igor Repac, Vedran Jakačić: Higher education in the Western Balkans
  8. Pavel Zgaga: The role of higher education centres in research and policy
  9. Pavel Zgaga: Did all barriers fall with the fall of the wall?
  10. Pavel Zgaga: Bologna process between Prague and Berlin
  11. Pavel Zgaga: Towards the "external dimension" strategy
  12. Pavel Zgaga: A preliminary report with conclusions and recommendations
  13. Pavel Zgaga: The Bologna process and the reform of doctoral education in Europe
  14. Pavel Zgaga: University mission between searching for truth and commercialization
  15. Pavel Zgaga: Obrazovna istraživanja i formulisanje politika
  16. Pavel Zgaga: Recenzija I
  17. Pavel Zgaga: Prispevek k razmisleku o razvoju slovenskega visokošolskega prostora
  18. Pavel Zgaga: Beyond the "Bologna Decade"
  19. Pavel Zgaga: Education for "a better world"
  20. Pavel Zgaga: Družba, kriza in trajnost
  21. Pavel Zgaga: Looking out
  22. Pavel Zgaga: The Berlin conference
  23. Pavel Zgaga: Kaj prinaša Bolonjski proces visokošolskemu izobraževanju učiteljev?
  24. Pavel Zgaga: Bolonskij process
  25. Pavel Zgaga: Les changements dans l'enseignement supérieur Slovène
  26. Pavel Zgaga: Reformy universitetov jugo-vostočnoj Evropy s učetom bolonskogo processa
  27. Pavel Zgaga, Alojz Pluško, Janez Krek, Mojca Kovač Šebart, Ljubica Marjanovič Umek, Zdenko Medveš: Izobraževanje in izobraževalni sistem
  28. Pavel Zgaga: The Bologna process and South Eastern Europe
  29. Pavel Zgaga: Designing policies for mobile students
  30. Pavel Zgaga: Knowledge and power
  31. Pavel Zgaga: At a midway to the common European Higher Education Area
  32. Pavel Zgaga: Constructing the European Higher Education Area
  33. Pavel Zgaga: Changing paradigms in higher education
  34. Zlom "bolonjske" hrbtenice
  35. Pavel Zgaga: Bologna
  36. Pavel Zgaga: The Bologna process and its role for transition countries
  37. Pavel Zgaga: Higher education and citizenship
  38. Pavel Zgaga: Introduction to the main theme: education and society
  39. Pavel Zgaga: Quality assurance
  40. Bologna revisited
  41. Pavel Zgaga, Klemen Miklavič: Reforming higher education in transition
  42. Pavel Zgaga: Review of Ronald Barnett, Being a University, Routledge, 2011
  43. Prof. dr. Pavel Zgaga
  44. Pavel Zgaga: Times are changing
  45. Pavel Zgaga: The future of higher education cooperation with and within the CEE region
  46. Pavel Zgaga: K pojmu vzgoje: socialnofilozofska perspektiva
  47. Pavel Zgaga: Mojster in učenci: uganka eksegeze
  48. Pavel Zgaga: Reconsidering the EHEA principles: is there a “Bologna philosophy”?
  49. Pavel Zgaga: The role of higher education in national development. South-Eastern Europe and reconstruction of the Western Balkans
  50. Pavel Zgaga: Higher education and citizenship: ‘the full range of purposes’
  51. Pavel Zgaga: Družba, kriza in trajnost: izobraževanje in izobraževanje učiteljev
  52. Pavel Zgaga: Review of Ronald Barnett, being a University
  53. Brian Hudson, Pavel Zgaga: Teacher education policy in Europe : a voice of higher education institutions
  54. Tatjana Devjak, Pavel Zgaga: Prispevki k posodobitvi pedagoških študijskih programov II
  55. Pavel Zgaga: The importance of education in social reconstruction : six years of the enhanced Graz process : developments, current status and future prospects of education on South-east Europe
  56. Pavel Zgaga: The prospects of teacher education in south-east Europe
  57. Pavel Zgaga, Igor Repac: Higher education reforms: looking back - looking forward: workshop proceedings
  58. Pavel Zgaga, Poul Holm, Philippe Keraudren: EERAʹs role in Europe - now and in the near future
  59. Pavel Zgaga: How should Europe handle the globalisation? : an educational perspective. Part IV, higher education : research report
  60. Pavel Zgaga: Education for “a better world”: is it still possible?
  61. Pavel Zgaga: The development of a standard-setting instrument on academic freedom and institutional autonomy : the role of public authorities : feasibility study for the Steering Committee for Higher Education and Research, Council of Europe
  62. Pavel Zgaga: Teachers' education and the Bologna Process: a survey on trends in learning structures at institutions of teachers' education
  63. Bastian Baumann, Janja Komljenovič, Igor Repac, Pavel Zgaga: The future of (European) higher education : proceedings
  64. Pavel Zgaga, Klemen Miklavič, Manja Klemenčič, Janja Komljenovič, Igor Repac, Anthony Camilleri: Proceedings / EQUNET/CEPS sympósion, Ljubljana, 23-24 Nov 2010
  65. Pavel Zgaga: Vednost, vrlina, vzgoja : izbor klasičnih besedil pri predmetu Izbrana poglavja iz filozofije : interno študijsko gradivo
  66. Pavel Zgaga: "Koncertiranje" doktorskega študija za evropski visokošolski prostor: novejši trendi na področju doktorskega študija
  67. Janja Komljenovič, Sintayehu Kassaye Alemu, Jana Baćević, Vanja Ivosevic, Miguel Antonio Lim, Pavel Zgaga, Roger Dale: Responding to theoretical, analytical and methodological challenges in higher education research- alternative approaches
  68. Gyöngyvér Pataki, Pavel Zgaga, Adrian Hatos, Voldemar Tomusk, Tamás Kozma, Vlasta Vizek-Vidović: Education, transition and contributions from educational research: views from Central Europe
  69. Pavel Zgaga, Simone White, Katharine Burn, Ian Menter, Trevor Mutton, Kari Smith, Marilyn Cochran-Smith: Policy, governance and quality in teacher education systems: four cases
  70. Pavel Zgaga: Rethinking teacher education in Europe and beyond: editorial introduction
  71. Pavel Zgaga: Rethinking teacher education in Europe and beyond
  72. Pavel Zgaga: Gender, transformation of higher education and the division of social and political power
  73. Pavel Zgaga: Edukacija za boljši svet
  74. Klemen Miklavič: Visoko šolstvo v Evropi: Evropeizacija, ideje in funkcije
  75. Beno Urbič: Samomor in mladostniki: preventivna vloga specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga
  76. Pavel Zgaga, Živa Kos: Study on how initial teacher education prepares student teachers to deal with diversity in the classroom: research report from Slovenia
  77. Pavel Zgaga: Editorial
  78. Pavel Zgaga: Od nacionalne univerze do nacionalnega visokošolskega sistema
  79. Brian Hudson, Pavel Zgaga: Introduction
  80. Teacher education policy in Europe
  81. Gert Biesta, Marek Kwiek, Graham Locke, Herminio Martins, Jan Masschelein, Maarten Simons, Pavel Zgaga: What is the public role of the university?
  82. David James, Erik De Corte, Judith Harford, Pavel Zgaga: Educational research in Estonia 2007-2011
  83. Pavel Zgaga: The saga of academic autonomy in Slovenia (1919–1999)