
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Doktorska dela (1)

  1. Simon Colnar: Extent and effectiveness of knowledge management in social work centers in the Republic of Slovenia

Magistrska dela (2)

  1. Meta Peterle Cencelj: Analiza vodenja in managementa človeških virov
  2. Petra Vrenjak: Povezava med starostjo zaposlenih in njihovim zadovoljstvom pri delu na primeru podjetja v plinskem energetskem sektorju

Druga dela (10)

  1. Ivan Radević, Vlado Dimovski, Anđelko Lojpur, Simon Colnar: Quality of healthcare services in focus
  2. Barbara Grah, Vlado Dimovski, Sandra Penger, Simon Colnar, David Bogataj: Sustainability of health and care systems
  3. Simon Colnar, Vlado Dimovski, David Bogataj: Knowledge management and the sustainable development of social work
  4. Simon Colnar, Vlado Dimovski: Knowledge management in social work
  5. Towards an integrated theory of aging
  6. Barbara Grah, Ema Perme, Simon Colnar, Sandra Penger: Age management: what we can learn from high-end luxury fashion designer with more than 50 years working experience?
  7. David Bogataj, Domen Hudoklin, Marija Bogataj, Vlado Dimovski, Simon Colnar: Risk mitigation in a meat supply chain with options of redirection
  8. Simon Colnar, Ivan Radević, Nikola Martinović, Anđelko Lojpur, Vlado Dimovski: The role of information communication technologies as a moderator of knowledge creation and knowledge sharing in improving the quality of healthcare services
  9. Anamarija Kejžar, Vlado Dimovski, Simon Colnar: The impact of knowledge management on the quality of services in nursing homes
  10. Stella Fragkiadaki, Dionysia Kontaxopolou, Darja Šemrov, Simon Colnar, Mitja Luštrek, Bojan Blažica, Vlado Dimovski, Sokratis G. Papageorgiou: How well did the healthcare system respond to the healthcare needs of older people with and without dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic