
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Druga dela (13)

  1. Marina Štukelj, Melita Hajdinjak, Igor Pušnik: Stress-free measurement of body temperature of pigs by using thermal imaging
  2. Jan Plut, Tanja Knific, Irena Golinar, Gorazd Vengušt, Marina Štukelj: Evaluation of biosecurity measures in pig holdings in Slovenia as a risk assessment for the introduction of African Swine Fever virus
  3. Jan Plut, Tomaž Snoj, Irena Golinar, Marina Štukelj: The combination of serum and oral fluid cortisol levels and Welfare Quality protocol® for assessment of pig welfare on intensive farms
  4. Jan Plut, Urška Jamnikar Ciglenečki, Marina Štukelj: Molecular detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, porcine circovirus 2 and hepatitis E virus in oral fluid compared to their detection in faeces and serum
  5. Jan Plut, Urška Jamnikar Ciglenečki, Irena Golinar, Tanja Knific, Marina Štukelj: A molecular survey and phylogenetic analysis of porcine circovirus type 3 using oral fluid, faeces and serum
  6. G. De Lorenzi, L. Borella, G. L. Alborali, Jasna Prodanov-Radulović, Marina Štukelj, Silvia Bellini: African swine fever: a review of cleaning and disinfection procedures in commercial pig holdings
  7. Rok Dežman, Maja Čemažar, Gregor Serša, Alenka Seliškar, Vladimira Erjavec, Blaž Trotovšek, Gorana Gašljević, Maša Omerzel, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Bor Kos, Mihajlo Djokić, Nina Milevoj, Marina Štukelj, Nina Boc, Jani Izlakar, Peter Popović: Safety and feasibility of electrochemotherapy of the pancreas in a porcine model
  8. Urban Stupan, Maja Čemažar, Blaž Trotovšek, Miha Petrič, Aleš Tomažič, Gorana Gašljević, Branislava Ranković, Alenka Seliškar, Tanja Plavec, Jerneja Sredenšek, Jan Plut, Marina Štukelj, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Tanja Jesenko, Alenka Nemec Svete, Gregor Serša, Mihajlo Djokić: Histologic changes of porcine portal vein anastomosis after electrochemotherapy with bleomycin
  9. Eva Nadlučnik: Kritične točke v intenzivni reji prašičev, ki vplivajo na njihovo dobrobit
  10. Bojan Papić, Tim Šteferl, Jan Plut, Marina Štukelj: Microbiota composition of an autochthonous Krškopolje pig breed reared in two different organic production systems
  11. Eva Nadlučnik, Tilen Vake, Ana Šket, Ana Žižek, Tomaž Snoj, Marina Štukelj: Hair cortisol of pigs in mixed organic farms: the influence of season, breeding system and sex
  12. Tilen Vake, Tomaž Snoj, Maja Čemažar, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Urban Stupan, Alenka Seliškar, Jan Plut, Tina Kosjek, Helena Plešnik, Marina Štukelj: Pharmacokinetics of single dose levobupivacaine after peri-incisional subcutaneous infiltration in anaesthetized domestic pigs
  13. E. Biebaut, Marina Štukelj, Ilias Chantziaras, T. Pina Nunes, V. Nedosekov, Carla Correia Gomes, B. Mehmedi, I. Corrégé, Laszlo Ozsvari, L. Svennesen, Jasna Prodanov-Radulović: Large heterogeneity in biosecurity legislation in the intensive pig production across Europe