
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (4)

  1. Barbara Pipan: Sezonsko spremljanje nekaterih bioaktivnih snovi v izbranih užitnih samoniklih rastlinah
  2. Bernarda Brajović: Količina in kakovost plodov cepljenega paradižnika (Lycopersicum esculentum L.)
  3. Matic Gruden: Vpliv redčenja grozdja na lipofilne pigmente v grozdni jagodi žlahtne vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.)
  4. Darja Kerčmar: Fotosinteza barvila listov ognjenega trna (Pyracantha coccinea Roem.) v hladnejši polovici leta

Other documents (12)

  1. Helena Šircelj: Karotenoidi v fotosinteznem aparatu in odziv na stres
  2. Nina Kacjan-Maršić, Petra Štolfa, Dominik Vodnik, Katarina Košmelj, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Bojka Kump, Rajko Vidrih, Doris Kokalj, Saša Piskernik, Blaž Ferjančič, Maja Dragutinović, Robert Veberič, Metka Hudina, Helena Šircelj: Physiological and biochemical responses of ungrafted and grafted bell pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum (L.) Sendtn.) grown under moderate salt stress
  3. Nina Kacjan-Maršić, Helena Šircelj, Damijana Kastelec: Lipophilic antioxidants and some carpometric characteristics of fruits of ten processing tomato varieties, grown in different climatic conditions
  4. Helena Šircelj, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Franc Batič: Antioxidants in spring leaves of Oxalis acetosella L.
  5. Anita Kušar, Helena Šircelj, Dea Baričevič: Determination of seco-iridoid and 4-pyrone compounds in hydro-alcoholic extracts of Gentiana lutea L. subsp. symphyandra Murb. leaves and roots by using high performance liquid chromatography
  6. Matej Vošnjak, Helena Šircelj, Dominik Vodnik, Valentina Usenik: Physio-biochemical responses of sweet cherry leaf to natural cold conditions
  7. Tina Smrke, Dominik Vodnik, Robert Veberič, Helena Šircelj, David Lenarčič, Jerneja Jakopič: Growing highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in a protected environment
  8. Matej Vošnjak, Helena Šircelj, Metka Hudina, Valentina Usenik: Response of chloroplast pigments, sugars and phenolics of sweet cherry leaves to chilling
  9. Tomaž Remic, Helena Šircelj, Boris Turk, Franc Batič: Učinki ozona v troposferi na navadno dobrovito (Viburnum lantana L.)
  10. Aleksandra Golob, Ana Kroflič, Ana Jerše, Nina Kacjan-Maršić, Helena Šircelj, Vekoslava Stibilj, Mateja Germ: Response of pumpkin to different concentrations and forms of selenium and iodine, and their combinations
  11. Dragan Žnidarčič, Dean Ban, Helena Šircelj: Carotenoid and chlorophyll composition of commonly consumed leafy vegetables in Mediterranean countries
  12. Tilen Zamljen, Helena Šircelj, Robert Veberič, Metka Hudina, Ana Slatnar: Impact of two brown seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum L.) biostimulants on the quantity and quality of yield in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)