
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (5)

  1. Blanka Breg: Zgradba in razvoj rodne veje pri orehu (Juglans regia L.) sorte Franquette
  2. Jerneja Čoderl: Primerjava različnih razmnoževalnih metod pri pravem kostanju (Castanea sp.)
  3. Gregor Lipovšek: Povezava med fenolnimi spojinami in odpornostjo plodov na orehovo črno pegavost (Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis) pri navadnem orehu (Juglans regia L.)
  4. Uršula Bešter: Uspešnost razmnoževanja leske (Corylus avellana L.) z metodo prsteničenja
  5. Petra Frelih: Možnost pridelovanja orehov in lešnikov na Gorenjskem

Other documents (17)

  1. Anita Solar, Franci Štampar: Characterisation of selected hazelnut cultivars: phenology, growing and yielding capacity, market quality and nutraceutical value
  2. Anita Solar, Gregor Osterc, Franci Štampar, Damijan Kelc: Branching of annual shoots in common walnut (Juglans regia L.) as affected by bud production and indol-3-acetic acid (IAA) content
  3. Paolo Boccacci, Michele Aramini, Nadia Valentini, Loretta Bacchetta, Merce Rovira, P. Drogoudi, Ana Paula Silva, Anita Solar, F. Calizzano, V. Erdoğan, Valerio Cristofori, L. F. Ciarmiello, C. Contessa, J. J. Ferreira, F. P. Marra, Roberto Botta: Molecular and morphological diversity of on-farm hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) landraces from southern Europe and their role in the origin and diffusion of cultivated germplasm
  4. Aljaž Medič, Jerneja Jakopič, Metka Hudina, Anita Solar, Robert Veberič: Identification and quantification of the major phenolic constituents in Juglans regia L. peeled kernels and pellicles, using HPLC-MS/MS
  5. Aljaž Medič, Jerneja Jakopič, Metka Hudina, Anita Solar, Robert Veberič: Identification and quantification of major phenolic constituents in Juglans regia L. leaves
  6. Aljaž Medič, Anita Solar, Metka Hudina, Robert Veberič: Phenolic response to walnut anthracnose (Ophiognomonia leptostyla) infection in different parts of Juglans regia husks, using HPLC-MS/MS
  7. Rajko Bernik, Anita Solar, Denis Skok: Fizikalne lastnosti ploda oreha (Juglans regia L.)
  8. Aljaž Medič, Tilen Zamljen, Metka Hudina, Anita Solar, Robert Veberič: Seasonal variations of naphthoquinone contents (juglone and hydrojuglone glycosides) in Juglans regia L.
  9. Jerneja Jakopič, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Ana Slatnar, Anita Solar, Franci Štampar, Robert Veberič: HPLC-MS identification of phenols in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) kernels
  10. Valentina Schmitzer, Ana Slatnar, Robert Veberič, Franci Štampar, Anita Solar: Roasting affects phenolic composition and antioxidative activity of hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.)
  11. Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Ana Slatnar, Robert Veberič, Franci Štampar, Anita Solar: Phenolic response in green walnut husk after the infection with bacteria Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis
  12. Loretta Bacchetta, Michele Aramini, A. Zini, V. Giammatteo, D. Spera, P. Drogoudi, Merce Rovira, Ana Paula Silva, Anita Solar, Roberto Botta: Fatty acids and alpha-tocopherol composition in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.): a chemometric approach to emphasize the quality of European germplasm
  13. Paolo Boccacci, Maria Aramini, Matthew Ordidge, Theo J. L. van Hintum, Daniela Torello Marinoni, Nadia Valentini, Jean-Paul Sarraquigne, Anita Solar, Merce Rovira, Loretta Bacchetta, Roberto Botta: Comparison of selection methods for the establishment of a core collection using SSR markers for hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) accessions from European germplasm repositories
  14. Aljaž Medič, Jerneja Jakopič, Anita Solar, Metka Hudina, Robert Veberič: Walnut (J. regia) agro-residues as a rich source of phenolic compounds
  15. Anita Solar, Aljaž Medič, Ana Slatnar, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Roberto Botta, Merce Rovira, Jean-Paul Sarraquigne, Ana Paula Silva, Robert Veberič, Franci Štampar, Metka Hudina, Loretta Bacchetta: The effects of the cultivar and environment on the phenolic contents of hazelnut kernels
  16. Aljaž Medič, Anita Solar, Metka Hudina, Robert Veberič, Tilen Zamljen: Effect of different walnut and hazelnut leaf compost treatments on yield and phenolic composition of Lactuca sativa L.
  17. Aljaž Medič, Petra Kunc, Tilen Zamljen, Metka Hudina, Robert Veberič, Anita Solar: Identification and quantification of the major phenolic constituents in Castanea sativa and commercial interspecific hybrids (C. sativa x C. crenata) chestnuts using HPLC–MS/MS