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Open Science Slovenia
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PhD theses (1)
Aida Dervishi:
Molecular characterization and analysis of the genetic variability of Albanian olives (Olea europaea L.)
MSc theses (6)
Maja Cvetanoska:
Primerjava vsebnosti taninov različnih genskih virov navadne (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) in tatarske (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) ajde
Matjaž Rejec:
Struktura talnih mikrobnih združb v odvisnosti od načina obdelave vinogradniških tal
Anže Švara:
Izražanje odpornostnih genov pri hmelju (Humulus lupulus L.) po okužbi z glivo Verticillium albo-atrum
Taja Jeseničnik:
Identifikacija in diferenciacija patogenih gliv rodu Verticillium z uporabo novih enostavnih in multipleks PCR označevalcev
Gašper Trček:
Genetska raznolikost genskih virov sezama (Sesamum indicum L.) iz JV Evrope
Franci Tajner:
Proučitev raznolikosti akcesij šentjanževke (Hypericum perforatum L.) glede na tvorbo izbranih metabolitov v odvisnosti od genotipa in načina rasti
BSc theses (1)
Maja Kastelec:
Analiza trsov klonske selekcije žlahtne vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.) z molekulskimi markerji
Other documents (29)
Lidija Tomić, Nataša Štajner, Tatjana Jovanović Cvetković, Miljan Cvetković, Branka Javornik:
Collection and genetic characterization of Vitis vinifera 'Žilavka' by microsatellites and AFLP markers
Nataša Štajner:
Mikrosatelitski markerji uporabni za identifikacijo kultivarjev vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L.)
Vanja Miljanić, Denis Rusjan, Andreja Škvarč, Philippe Chatelet, Nataša Štajner:
Elimination of eight viruses and two viroids from preclonal candidates of six grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) through in vivo thermotherapy and in vitro meristem tip micrografting
Nataša Štajner, Zlatko Šatović, Andreja Čerenak, Branka Javornik:
Genetic structure and differentiation in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) as inferred from microsatellites
Jernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner, Zlata Luthar, Jean-Marc Jeltsch, Branka Javornik:
Development of transcript-associated microsatellite markers for diversity and linkage mapping studies in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)
Tjaša Rešetič, Nataša Štajner, Dunja Bandelj, Branka Javornik, Jernej Jakše:
Validation of candidate reference genes in RT-qPCR studies of developing olive fruit and expression analysis of four genes involved in fatty acids metabolism
Petra Oražem, Nataša Štajner, Borut Bohanec:
Effect of X-ray irradiation on olive shoot culture evaluated by morphological measurements, nuclear DNA content and SSR and AFLP markers
Lidija Tomić, Nataša Štajner, Tatjana Jovanović-Cvetković, Miljan Cvetković, Branka Javornik:
Identity and genetic relatedness of Bosnia and Herzegovina grapevine germplasm
Lidija Tomić, Nataša Štajner, Branka Javornik:
Characterization of grapevines by the use of genetic markers
Jernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner, Lidija Tomić, Branka Javornik:
Application of microsatellite markers in grapevine and olives
Nataša Štajner, Sara Cregeen, Branka Javornik:
Evaluation of reference genes for RT-qPCR expression studies in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) during infection with vascular pathogen Verticillium albo-atrum
Urban Kunej, Jernej Jakše, Sebastjan Radišek, Nataša Štajner:
Identification and characterization of Verticillium nonalfalfae-responsive microRNAs in the roots of resistant and susceptible hop cultivars
Anže Švara, Jernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner:
Confirming infection of hop plants inoculated with Verticilium nonalfalfae
Taja Jeseničnik, Anela Kaurin, Zarja Grgič, Sebastjan Radišek, Jernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner:
Novel identification of the collection of pathogenic fungal species Verticillium with the development of species-specific SSR markers
Urban Kunej, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Sebastjan Radišek, Nataša Štajner:
Changes in the phenolic compounds of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) induced by infection with Verticillium nonalfalfae, the causal agent of hop Verticillium wilt
Taja Jeseničnik, Nataša Štajner, Sebastjan Radišek, Jernej Jakše:
RNA interference core components identified and characterised in Verticillium nonalfalfae, a vascular wilt pathogenic plant fungi of hops
Vanja Miljanić, Jernej Jakše, Urban Kunej, Denis Rusjan, Andreja Škvarč, Nataša Štajner:
Virome status of preclonal candidates of grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) from the Slovenian wine-growing region Primorska as determined by high-throughput sequencing
Taja Jeseničnik, Nataša Štajner, Sebastjan Radišek, Ajay Kumar Mishra, Katarina Košmelj, Urban Kunej, Jernej Jakše:
Discovery of microRNA-like small RNAs in pathogenic plant fungus Verticillium nonalfalfae using high-throughput sequencing and qPCR and RLM-RACE validation
Urban Kunej, Aida Dervishi, Valérie Laucou, Jernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner:
The potential of HTS approaches for accurate genotyping in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)
Aida Dervishi, Jernej Jakše, Hairi Ismaili, Branka Javornik, Nataša Štajner:
Genetic structure and core collection of olive germplasm from Albania revealed by microsatellite markers
Andreja Čerenak, Jernej Jakše, Nataša Štajner, Branka Javornik:
Vrednotenje genskih virov hmelja z molekulskimi markerji
Vanja Miljanić, Jernej Jakše, Denis Rusjan, Andreja Škvarč, Nataša Štajner:
Small RNA sequencing and multiplex RT-PCR for diagnostics of grapevine viruses and virus-like organisms
Kristina Milišić, Branislava Sivčev, Nataša Štajner, Jernej Jakše, Saša Matijašević, Dragan Nikolić, Tatjana Popovič, Zorica Ranković-Vasić:
Ampelographic and molecular characterisation of grapevine varieties in the gene bank of the experimental vineyard ‘Radmilovac’ – Serbia
Urban Kunej, Jernej Jakše, Sebastjan Radišek, Nataša Štajner:
Core RNA interference genes involved in miRNA and ta-siRNA biogenesis in hops and their expression analysis after challenging with Verticillium nonalfalfae
Nataša Štajner, Sebastjan Radišek, Ajay Kumar Mishra, Vishnu Sukumari Nath, Jaroslav Matoušek, Jernej Jakše:
Evaluation of disease severity and global transcriptome response induced by Citrus bark cracking viroid, Hop latent viroid, and their co-infection in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)
Andrej Sečnik, Nataša Štajner, Sebastjan Radišek, Urban Kunej, Mitja Križman, Jernej Jakše:
Cytosine methylation in genomic DNA and characterization of DNA methylases and demethylases and their expression profiles in viroid-infected hop plants (Humulus lupulus var. ‘Celeia’)
Tina Smrke, Nataša Štajner, Tjaša Cesar, Robert Veberič, Metka Hudina, Jerneja Jakopič:
Correlation between destructive and non-destructive measurements of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruit during maturation
Tea Burin, Mariana Cecilia Grohar, Jerneja Jakopič, Robert Veberič, Nataša Štajner, Tjaša Cesar, Urban Kunej, Metka Hudina:
Interplay of phenolic compounds and gene expression in phenylpropanoid and flavonoid pathways during olive (Olea europaea L.) ripening of ‘Leccino’ cultivar
Tea Burin, Mariana Cecilia Grohar, Jerneja Jakopič, Robert Veberič, Nataša Štajner, Tjaša Cesar, Urban Kunej, Metka Hudina:
Changes in the anthocyanin pathway related to phenolic compounds and gene expression in skin and pulp of cv. 'Istrska belica' (Olea europaea L.) during ripening