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Open Science Slovenia
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PhD theses (3)
Marika Miminoshvili:
Knowledge hiding and workplace inclusion of minority members
Simon Colnar:
Extent and effectiveness of knowledge management in social work centers in the Republic of Slovenia
Iana Bilynets:
Analysis of the impact of situational and cultural factors on tourist pro-environmental behaviour
MSc theses (59)
Luka Mejač:
The use of interpersonal communication strategies by Slovenian sales managers
Tihomir Glamočić:
An analysis of the microfinance market in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Emily Šimnic:
Analiza potenciala spletne prodaje preko video prenosov v živo med slovenskimi porabniki
Pavao Kaštelan:
An analysis of a disruptive business model on the Croatian electric vehicle market
Nejra Plivčić:
Attitudes of Slovenian students towards information technology in education
Evgenija Trajkoska:
The introduction of a traditional North Macedonian food product to the Spanish vegan food market
Nina Jagodic:
Market research of consulting services for higher education study choice
Maša Žnidaršič:
An analysis of gender gaps and the leaky pipeline in the academic fields of economics and business in Slovenia
Katja Bogdanič:
Razumevanje vpliva vedenjske ekonomije na odločitve managerjev v Sloveniji
Milica Karbić:
Determinants of brain drain amongst Serbian youth
Nastasja Petrović:
The effect of COVID-19 on the Airbnb and housing market in Slovenia
Maša Korošec:
Development of marketing strategy for a new premium skincare brand in Slovenia
Laura Subić:
Vpliv covid-19 krize na stališča slovenskih potrošnikov do lokalno pridelane hrane
Aida Zukić:
Consumer attitudes toward the ethics of neuromarketing in the Western Balkans
Maša Pevec:
Mnenje mladih slovenskih porabnikov o družbeni odgovornosti podjetij v tekstilni industriji
Anja Pekolj:
Dejavniki dobre zastopanosti žensk na vodilnih mestih v farmacevtski panogi v Sloveniji
Rebeka Arhar:
Vloga obogatene resničnosti na področju medorganizacijskega trženja na primeru koncerna Kolektor
Jure Potočnik:
Vpliv in pomen spletnih in družbenih medijev na trženje nepremičnin med mladimi v Sloveniji
Simon Pangeršič:
An assessment of the cross-cultural determinants of preferences for ecotourism
Muhammad Junaid Ulqamar:
Innovation of 3D technology in Slovenia
Eva Kern:
Attitudes of young Slovenian consumers towards influencer content on social media
Nina Kovač:
Cross-cultural competences among managers of Slovenian small companies operating internationally
Jasmina Petrović:
Izredni študij in uspešnost prenosa znanja v prakso med slovenskimi izrednimi študenti
Ivan Kos:
The attitudes of Slovenian youth towards commercial banking
Petra Korelc:
A comparison of workplace motivational factors of generation Y and Z in Slovenia
Miloš Popović:
A typology of tourists visiting the refugee camps of Western Sahara
Jela Aničić:
Employees' attitudes towards workplace health promotion activities in a selected company
Katja Magister:
Analiza percepcije poklicnega ugleda v Sloveniji
Sheval Muaremi:
An analysis of the factors affecting brain drain of young people from North Macedonia
Iva Janković:
Širitev izbrane blagovne znamke na španski in nizozemski trg
Zoran Pešić:
The attitudes towards career choices of economics students in Serbia and Slovenia
Samo Virant:
Attitudes of Slovenian consumers towards environmentally-friendly packaging
Tim Franc Zupančič:
An empirical assessment of the perceived impacts of national culture on business conduct of Dutch and Slovenian managers
Sandra Radonjić:
The effect of national culture on the management of foreign firms in Montenegro
Ines Perčič:
Ocena konkurenčnosti in inovacijske sposobnosti Slovenije po lestvicah WEF in IMD
Klemen Ahmetović:
A comparative study of management of mistakes in cross-cultural marketing
Tina Rupert:
Assessment of the investment climate in Slovenia for Austrian companies
Doroteja Hrastnik:
Analiza merjenja korupcije na primeru Slovenije
Ema Perhavec:
Attitudes of Slovenian consumers towards green cosmetics
Urška Žirovnik:
Dejavniki zastopanosti žensk na managerskih pozicijah v izbranem podjetju
Shen Zhang:
The impact culturally diverse student groups on student's cross-cultural competence
Maja Kambič:
An analysis of motivational factors for Airbnb hosts in Slovenia
Špela Rebernik:
Ocena kulturnih razlik v stilih vodenja portugalskih in slovenskih managerjev
Aleksandra Dragan:
Vpliv demografije in ekonomskega položaja na odločitve visoko izobraženih žensk na Kitajskem
Nika Špoljar:
Vpliv kulture v primeru tujih združitev in prevzemov slovenskih podjetij
Sanja Gorkič:
The impact of culture on the internationalization of Slovenian companies to the Chinese market
Joan Sabbadin:
The impact of remote teaching on student learning and engagement at the University of Ljubljana
Pika Silva Šiškin:
Mehke veščine študentov po končanem IMB študiju
Polona Azarov:
Effects of work from home on employees’ work productivity across several Slovenian industries
Rita Nitaj:
Obstacles and opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the energy sector in Kosovo
Mia Todorović:
Attitudes of employees towards remote work in selected countries
Sara Prguda:
An analysis of the relationship between circular business models and firm performance in Slovenia
Anđela Popović:
Nation branding in tourism : the case of Montenegro
Sara Gangl:
Mnenje slovenskih uporabnikov Instagrama o družbeni odgovornosti spletnih vplivnežev
Lara Oberdank:
The effect of Instagram activist accounts on promoting gender awareness among users
Tanja Stojinović:
Premagovanje steklenega stropa žensk na vodilnih položajih v različnih panogah v Sloveniji
Din Kajmaković:
An analysis of the factors affecting brain drain of young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nika Zabukovec:
Stališča slovenskih managerjev do vpeljave ženskih kvot na managerske pozicije v Sloveniji
Laura Brečko:
The challenges and opportunities for innovation in Slovenian family firms
BSc theses (1)
Uroš Bilbija:
Analiza absentizma in prezentizma v Sloveniji in posledice za vodje podjetij
Other documents (3)
Tamara Pavasović Trošt, Denis Marinšek:
Social class and ethnocentric worldviews
Tamara Pavasović Trošt, Lea David:
Renationalizing memory in the post-Yugoslav region
Tamara Pavasović Trošt, Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc:
Symbolic nation-building through images in post-Yugoslav history textbooks