
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Doktorska dela (1)

  1. Mitja Zidar: Analysis and prediction of aggregation and degradation in protein-based biopharmaceuticals

Magistrska dela (2)

  1. Mitja Zidar: Določanje mehanizmov agregacije monoklonskih protiteles v bioloških zdravilih
  2. Maša Lah: Fizikalna optimizacija procesov čiščenja bioloških zdravil

Druga dela (4)

  1. Matic Proj, Mitja Zidar, Blaž Lebar, Nika Strašek Benedik, Goran Miličić, Aleš Žula, Stanislav Gobec: Discovery of compounds with viscosity-reducing effects on biopharmaceutical formulations with monoclonal antibodies
  2. Blaž Lebar, Tinkara Lekić, Pija Košir, Miha Kastelic, Mitja Zidar, Janez Mravljak, Stane Pajk: Polysorbate stability
  3. Blaž Lebar, Mitja Zidar, Janez Mravljak, Roman Šink, Aleš Žula, Stane Pajk: Alternative buffer systems in biopharmaceutical formulations and their effect on protein stability
  4. Urška Pečarič Strnad, Petra Zalokar, Natan Osterman, Mitja Zidar: Small scale model for predicting transportation-induced particle formation in biotherapeutics