
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Doktorska dela (1)

  1. Alja Plut: Presnova alveolne kostnine med ortodontskim premikom zob pri podganah s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2

Magistrska dela (1)

  1. Manja Cedilnik: Vpliv sistema RANKL/RANK/OPG na kostno resorpcijo pri živalskem modelu sladkorne bolezni tipa 2

Druga dela (3)

  1. Jakob Sajovic, Anina Setnikar Lesjak, Alja Plut, Andreja Eberlinc, Jasmina Primožič, Eva Drevenšek, Martina Drevenšek: Maxillary arch dimensions, occlusion assessment and space conditions in patients with cleft palate in the period of deciduous dentition
  2. Saranda Disha Ibrahimi, Borut Furlani, Gorazd Drevenšek, Alja Plut, M Yanagisawa, Samo Hudoklin, Irena Prodan Žitnik, Janja Marc, Martina Drevenšek: The role of endothelin B receptor in bone modelling during orthodontic tooth movement
  3. Saranda Disha Ibrahimi, Gorazd Drevenšek, Martina Drevenšek, Janja Marc, Irena Prodan Žitnik: PPIA, HRPT1, and PGK1 genes as the appropriate combination for RT-qPCR normalization in alveolar and femoral bone remodeling in olanzapine-treated rats