
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (2)

  1. Ana Marin: Development of bruise age determination approach using optical techniques
  2. Jošt Stergar: Combined hyperspectral imaging of macroscopic and microscopic samples for tissue optical and structural properties evaluation

MSc theses (5)

  1. Žan Klaneček: Razvoj numeričnega modela laserske epilacije
  2. Ivana Marinović: Določitev biomarkerjev vnetja trebušne stene s hiperspektralnim slikanjem
  3. Andrej Lozar: Primerjava modelov tkivnih poškodb za laserske posege v medicini
  4. Črt Keber: Določanje optičnih lastnosti z optično koherenčno tomografijo
  5. Klemen Vrhovec: Določitev toplotnih lastnosti SiliGlass tkivnih fantomov

BSc theses (5)

  1. Kristina Pikl: Zaznavanje vnetij sklepov rok iz popravljenih RGB slik
  2. Anej Sterle: Implementacija algoritma Adding-Doubling v programskem jeziku Python
  3. Uroš Dolšek: Vpliv zaužitega kofeina na difuzni refleksijski spekter kože
  4. Tilen Kočevar: Merjenje lomnega količnika bioloških tkiv z Abbejevim refraktometrom
  5. Jaka Olenik: Izdelava in karakterizacija LED svetila za hiperspektralni sistem

Other documents (12)

  1. Daniele Vella, Matjaž Lukač, Urban Jernejčič, Nejc Lukač, Žan Klaneček, Matija Milanič, Matija Jezeršek: Measurements of hair temperature avalanche effect with alexandrite and Nd:YAG hair removal lasers
  2. Tadej Tomanič, Luka Rogelj, Jošt Stergar, Boštjan Markelc, Tim Božič, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Gregor Serša, Matija Milanič: Estimating quantitative physiological and morphological tissue parameters of murine tumor models using hyperspectral imaging and optical profilometry
  3. Jošt Stergar, Rok Hren, Matija Milanič: Design and validation of a custom-made laboratory hyperspectral imaging system for biomedical applications using a broadband LED light source
  4. Ana Marin, Nina Verdel, Matija Milanič, Boris Majaron: Noninvasive monitoring of dynamical processes in bruised human skin using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and pulsed photothermal radiometry
  5. Tadej Tomanič, Luka Rogelj, Matija Milanič: Robustness of diffuse reflectance spectra analysis by inverse adding doubling algorithm
  6. Rok Dolenec, Elmar Laistler, Matija Milanič: Assessing spectral imaging of the human finger for detection of arthritis
  7. Jošt Stergar, Rok Dolenec, Nika Kojc, Katja Lakota, Martina Perše, Matija Tomšič, Matija Milanič: Hyperspectral evaluation of peritoneal fibrosis in mouse models
  8. Urban Simončič, Matija Milanič: Tail artifact removal via transmittance effect subtraction in optical coherence tail artifact images
  9. Urban Simončič, Matija Milanič: Hyperspectral imaging with active illumination: a theoretical study on the use of incandescent lamp and variable filament temperature
  10. Matija Milanič, Rok Hren: GPU adding-doubling algorithm for analysis of optical spectral images
  11. Matija Milanič, Rok Hren, Jošt Stergar, Urban Simončič: Monitoring of caffeine consumption effect on skin blood properties by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
  12. Jošt Stergar, Rok Hren, Matija Milanič: Effects of phantom microstructure on their optical properties