
Določitev toplotnih lastnosti SiliGlass tkivnih fantomov
ID Vrhovec, Klemen (Author), ID Milanič, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prislan, Iztok (Comentor)

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Proučevanje interakcije med svetlobo in biološkimi tkivi je nadvse pomembno za razvoj novih optičnih diagnostičnih in terapevtskih tehnik. Z namenom pospešiti in izboljšati razvoj slednjih, se dandanes pojavlja čedalje večja potreba po razvoju tkivnih fantomov, ki v zadostni meri posnemajo optične, toplotne in mehanske lastnosti ciljnih bioloških tkiv. V literaturi je predstavljeno precej tovrstnih tkivnih fantomov, od tekočih do trdnih, kjer ima vsak izmed njih prednosti in slabosti za izbrane aplikacije. Prednosti trdnih fantomov so časovna stabilnost fizikalnih lastnosti, enostavno shranjevanje in oblikovanje. Silikonske fantome na osnovi polimera SiliGlass v skupini za medicinsko fiziko uporabljamo za optimizacijo in validacijo novih optičnih slikovnih tehnik. V okviru magistrskega dela pomerimo optične (odbojnost, prepustnost) in toplotne lastnosti (specifična toplota, toplotna prevodnost) trdnih fantomov SiliGlass. Optične lastnosti pomerimo s hiperspektralnim slikanjem in s prostorsko-ločljivo spektroskopijo ter metodo Fourierjejeve transformirane infrardeče spektroskopije (FTIR), toplotne lastnosti pa s tehniko diferenčne dinamične kalorimetrije (DSC) ter s toplotnim vzbujanjem vzorca z znanimi optičnimi lastnostmi z laserskimi sunki. Razvijemo ustrezna orodja za analizo meritev in rezultate, pridobljene z različnimi tehnikami, primerjamo med seboj. Končni rezultat magistrskega dela je optična in toplotna karakterizacija različnih tkivnih fantomov SiliGlass glede na količino absorberja in sipalca v snovi. Novo znanje bo omogočilo uporabo tovrstnih fantomov za razvoj in optimizacijo različnih laserskih terapevtskih posegov.

Keywords:toplotna prevodnost, toplotna kapaciteta, DSC, optične lastnosti, FTIR, HSI, PPTR, tkivni fantom, SiliGlass
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-140912 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122275075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2022
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Title:Determination of thermal properties of SiliGlass tissue phantoms
Studying the interaction between light and biological tissues is extremely important for the development of new optical diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. In order to accelerate and improve the development of the latter, there is an increasing need to develop tissue phantoms that sufficiently mimic the optical, thermal and mechanical properties of the target biological tissues. A number of such tissue phantoms are presented in the literature, from liquid to solid, where each of them has advantages and disadvantages for selected applications. The advantage of solid phantoms is the temporal stability of physical properties, easy storage and design. Silicone phantoms based on SiliGlass polymer are used in the medical physics group for optimization and validation of new optical imaging techniques. As part of the master's thesis, we compare the optical (reflectivity, transmittance) and thermal properties (specific heat, thermal conductivity) of solid SiliGlass phantoms. The optical properties are measured with hyperspectral imaging and spatially resolved spectroscopy and the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) method, while the thermal properties are compared with the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique and through thermal excitation of a sample with known optical properties with laser pulses. We develop appropriate tools for analyzing measurements and comparing results obtained with different techniques. The final result of the master's thesis is the optical and thermal characterization of different SiliGlass tissue phantoms according to the amount of absorber and scatterer in the substance. This kind of knowledge will enable the use of such phantoms for the development and optimization of various laser therapeutic interventions.

Keywords:thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, DSC, optical properties, FTIR, HSI, PPTR, tissue phantom, SiliGlass

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