
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Magistrska dela (1)

  1. Neža Kermavnar: Razlike v morfoloških in kemijskih lastnostih ciklam (Cyclamen purpurascens Mill.)

Diplomska dela (3)

  1. Silva Flajšman: Primerjava vegetativnega razmnoževanja z delitvijo čebulic pri navadnem malem zvončku (Galanthus nivalis L.) in njegovi sorti 'Flore Pleno'
  2. Barbara Conta: Pomen strokovnega vzdrževanja dreves v urbanem okolju
  3. Urša Pfajfar: Sezonska dinamika aktivnosti navadne ciklame (Cyclamen purpurascens)

Druga dela (15)

  1. Jože Bavcon: Seed exchange on the basis of Index seminum
  2. Urša Pfajfar: Sezonska dinamika aktivnosti navadne ciklame (Cyclamen purpurascens)
  3. Katja Malovrh, Jože Bavcon, Mitja Križman, Blanka Ravnjak: Effect of abiotic factors on nectar quality and secretion of two early spring species, Galanthus nivalis L. and Helleborus niger L.
  4. Varovanje nekaterih izbranih Natura 2000 rastlinskih vrst (LIFE Seedforce projekt)
  5. Nina Kunc, Metka Hudina, Jože Bavcon, Branko Vreš, Zlata Luthar, Kristina Gostinčar, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Gregor Osterc, Blanka Ravnjak: Characterization of the Slovene autochthonous rose hybrid Rosa pendulina × spinosissima (Rosa reversa Waldst. and Kit) using biochemical patterns of the plant blossoms
  6. Jože Bavcon: Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani - 200 let
  7. Blanka Ravnjak, Jože Bavcon, Andraž Čarni: Plant species turnover on forest gaps after natural disturbances in the Dinaric fir beech forests (Omphalodo-Fagetum sylvaticae)
  8. Nina Kunc, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Metka Hudina, Jože Bavcon, Branko Vreš, Gregor Osterc, Blanka Ravnjak: Autochthonous rose hybrid Rosa pendulina X spinosissima overshines main genotype Rosa pendulina in the biochemical characteristics of their hips
  9. Nina Kunc, Metka Hudina, Gregor Osterc, Jože Bavcon, Blanka Ravnjak, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek: Phenolic compounds of rose hips of some Rosa species and their hybrids native grown in the south-west of Slovenia during a two-year period (2020–2021)
  10. Nina Kunc, Metka Hudina, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Jože Bavcon, Blanka Ravnjak, Gregor Osterc: Detailed metabolic characterization of flowers and hips of Rosa gallica L. grown in open nature
  11. Jože Bavcon, Blanka Ravnjak: New cultivars of Galanthus nivalis in Slovenia
  12. Katja Malovrh, Blanka Ravnjak, Jože Bavcon, Mitja Križman: Nectar production and three main sugars in nectar of Salvia pratensis and Salvia glutinosa in correlation with abiotic factors
  13. Jože Bavcon, Katja Malovrh, Maja Tomšič, Blanka Ravnjak: In situ conservation of dry meadows
  14. Blanka Ravnjak, Jože Bavcon, Andraž Čarni: Plant functional traits of plants species colonizing forest gaps
  15. Jože Bavcon, Blanka Ravnjak: New varieties of the common cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens Mill.) in Slovenia