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Open Science Slovenia
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MSc theses (3)
Tjaša Tkalec:
Zdravstvena prepričanja ljudi in pojav teorij zarot v času pandemije COVIDA-19
Dajana Tatar:
Kakovost življenja v času COVID-19 epidemije v Sloveniji
Slađana Sladojević:
Prevalenca spolnega zadovoljstva v Sloveniji
BSc theses (4)
Karoline Palatin:
Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na ne pojavnost orgazma pri ženskah
Naida Golubović:
Prevalenca spolnega zadovoljstva pri ženskah v Bosni in Hercegovini
Nicole Poljanšek:
Spolna funkcija žensk po porodu
Karmen Širnik:
Vpliv endogenih in eksogenih dejavnikov na ženski orgazem: sistematični pregled in meta-analiza
Other documents (11)
Gordana Jurak, Jasna Bošnir, Domagoj Đikić, Ana Mojsović Ćuić, Iva Pavlinić Prokurica, Aleksandar Racz, Tomislav Jukić, David Štubljar, Andrej Starc:
The risk assessment of pesticide ingestion with fruit and vegetables for consumer's health
Andrej Starc, Naida Golubović, Tomislav Jukić, Aleksandar Racz, Raja Gošnak Dahmane:
Determinants of sexual satisfaction among Bosnian and Herzegovinian women
Tomislav Jukić, Alojz Ihan, Marija Petek Šter, Vojko Strojnik, David Štubljar, Andrej Starc:
Adherence of female health care workers to the use a web-based tool for improving and modifying lifestyle
Tomislav Jukić, Alojz Ihan, Lana Pavlović, Vojko Strojnik, David Štubljar, Andrej Starc:
Type D personality and the risk of coronary heart disease in obese patients
Robert Sotler, Borut Poljšak, Raja Gošnak Dahmane, Tomislav Jukić, Doroteja Pavan-Jukić, Cecilija Rotim, Polonca Trebše, Andrej Starc:
Prooxidant activities of antioxidants and their impact on health
Agron Bytyqi, Aliu Xhevdet, Merita Barani, David Štubljar, Tomislav Jukić, Andrej Starc, Sokol Krasniqi:
Disinfection of infected artificial dental periapical lesions with diode laser
Sokol Krasniqi, Çeljana Toti, David Štubljar, Tomislav Jukić, Andrej Starc, Tomislav Rukavina, Vanja Vasiljev Marchesi, Aliu Xhevdet:
Orthodontic materials with fluoride have an antimicrobial ability for the prevention of white spot lesions
Andrej Starc, Manca Trampuš, Doroteja Pavan-Jukić, Cecilija Rotim, Tomislav Jukić, Ana Polona Mivšek:
Infertility and sexual dysfunctions
Andrej Starc, Tomislav Jukić, Borut Poljšak, Raja Gošnak Dahmane:
Female sexual function and dysfunction
Doroteja Pavan-Jukić, Andrej Starc, David Štubljar, Tomislav Jukić:
Obesity with high body mass index does not influence sperm retrieval in males with azoospermia
Tomislav Jukić, David Drobne, Saša Pušavec, Alojz Ihan, David Štubljar, Andrej Starc:
Comparison of 3 enzyme-linked immunoassay methods to evaluate serum concentrations of infliximab and antibodies to infliximab in 32 patients with moderate to severe inflammatory bowel disease