
Kakovost življenja v času COVID-19 epidemije v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Tatar, Dajana (Author), ID Starc, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jukić, Tomislav (Comentor), ID Gošnak Dahmane, Raja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: COVID-19 je nalezljiva bolezen dihal, ki se je prvič pojavila decembra 2019 na Kitajskem. Okužba se prenaša s kapljicami iz dihal ter rezultira v visoki stopnji kužnosti in smrtnosti. Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija je razglasila pandemijo, s tem pa so veljale stroge omejitve, kot so nošenje mask, prepoved gibanja ter socialno distanciranje. Prišlo je do doživljanja čustev, kot so tesnoba, stres, strah, izoliranost, osamljenost in jeza, ki so negativno vplivali na kakovost življenja posameznikov. Namen: Predstaviti kakovost življenja posameznikov v času epidemije COVID-19 v Sloveniji z namenom, da se lahko oblikujejo intervencije za kakovostno skrb za duševno zdravje. Metode dela: Anketni vprašalnik je del mednarodnega projekta, ki raziskuje povezavo med posameznikovo osebnostjo in specifičnimi odzivi na situacijo, kot so prepričanja o koronavirusu, čustvene odzive, kognitivne procese ter vedenjske reakcije med pandemijo. Raziskuje tudi povezavo med posameznikovo osebnostjo in specifičnimi odzivi na situacijo. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah: APA PSycNet, Eurosurveillance Jounal, ERIC, Medline, PubMed, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, Elsevier, SageJournals, IAAP, Nature Medicine, NCBI, MDPI, WILEY ter na spletnem brskalniku Google Scholar. Kakovost življenja smo merili s sedmimi vprašalniki, ki so opisovali zadovoljstvo z življenjem, veščine spoprijemanja s stresom, dojemanje socialnih odnosov, občutkov strahu, vedenj, prepričanj in počutja v prvem valu epidemije COVID-19 v Sloveniji. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 351 posameznikov. Med različnimi starostnimi skupinami, spoloma, stopnjo izobrazbe in ekonomskim statusom obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v vedenjih, občutkih strahu, prepričanjih in počutju posameznikov. Kažeta se povečan čustveni odziv in nelagodje z izrazito anksioznostjo ter uravnotežen pristop k upoštevanju priporočenih preventivnih ukrepov ob upoštevanju čustvenega in socialnega vpliva omejevanja socialnih interakcij. Vidna je odsotnost povezanosti posameznikov z družbenimi normami ter proaktivnega sodelovanja pri zagovarjanju javnega zdravja ter širjenju pravilnih informacij. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotavljamo pomembne povezave med splošnim zadovoljstvom z življenjem in občutkom sposobnosti obvladovanja osebnih težav; počutjem in zadovoljstvom z različnimi vidiki njihovega življenja; počutjem in veščinami spoprijemanja s stresom; počutjem in vedenjem. Upoštevanje individualnih razlik v ravni zaznane grožnje, odzivnosti na stres in rezilientnost je ključno pri posameznikovem doživljanju epidemije ter vplivu na njihovo kakovost življenja. Za pozitiven vpliv na kakovost življenja posameznikov je ključna vzpostavitev strokovnih skupin za samopodporo ter stalna dostopnost psihosocialne podpore prek spleta in telefona.

Keywords:magistrska dela, zdravstvena nega, COVID-19, kakovost življenja, vedenje, stres, občutki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Tatar]
Number of pages:86 str., [35] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156403 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:196504067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Quality of life during the COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia : master thesis
Introduction: COVID-19 is a contagious respiratory disease that first appeared in China in December 2019. The infection is transmitted by droplet infection and leads to a high morbidity and mortality rate. The World Health Organization has declared a pandemic, with strict restrictions such as the wearing of masks, a ban on movement and social distancing. Emotions such as anxiety, stress, fear, isolation, loneliness and anger were experienced, which had a negative impact on the quality of life of those affected. Aim: To map the quality of life of individuals during the COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia with the aim of formulating interventions for quality mental health care. Working methods: The questionnaire is part of an international project that investigates the relationship between an individual's personality and specific reactions to the situation, e.g. beliefs about the coronavirus, emotional reactions, cognitive processes and behavioral reactions during the pandemic. It also examines the relationship between an individual's personality and their specific reactions to a situation. The literature was searched in the following databases APA PSycNet, Eurosurveillance Jounal, ERIC, Medline, PubMed, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, Elsevier, SageJournals, IAAP, Nature Medicine, NCBI, MDPI, WILEY and via the Google Scholar web browser. We measured quality of life with seven questionnaires describing life satisfaction, ability to cope with stress, experience of social relationships, feelings of anxiety, behaviors, beliefs, and well-being during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia. Results: 351 people took part in the survey. There are statistically significant differences in people's behaviors, feelings of anxiety, beliefs and well-being between different age groups, genders, education levels and economic status. There is an increased emotional response and discomfort with marked anxiety and a balanced approach to following recommended prevention measures, taking into account the emotional and social impact of restricting social interactions. The lack of connection between individual and social norms and proactive participation in the defense of public health and dissemination of correct information is evident. Discussion and conclusion: We find significant associations between overall life satisfaction and feeling able to cope with personal problems; well-being and satisfaction with various aspects of their lives; their feelings of anxiety and coping with stress; feelings and behavior. Considering individual differences in terms of feelings of perceived threat, stress reactivity and resilience is key to an individual's experience of the epidemic and the impact on their quality of life. Establishing expert-led support groups and ensuring continuous access to psychosocial support via the internet and telephone is crucial for a positive impact on individuals' quality of life.

Keywords:master's theses, nursing care, COVID-19, quality of life, behavior, stress, emotions

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