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Open Science Slovenia
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PhD theses (1)
Dejan Ravšelj:
Public support for research and development investment and the impact on corporate performance
MSc theses (3)
Dejan Ravšelj:
Analiza politik obvladovanja tveganj na podlagi razkritij v letnih poročilih
Matej Dobrovoljc:
Analiza in primerjava vpliva pandemije covid-19 na velikost javnega sektorja v državah Evropske unije
Darjo Žejn:
Javno-zasebno partnerstvo v Sloveniji: Analiza stanja in primerjava z izbranimi državami
BSc theses (1)
Luka Magdalenić:
Trg dela in brezposelnost v Sloveniji: Primerjava z Evropsko unijo
Other documents (27)
Aleksander Aristovnik, Polonca Kovač, Eva Murko, Dejan Ravšelj, Lan Umek, Nina Tomaževič:
The use of ICT by local general administrative authorities during COVID-19 for a sustainable future
Petra Vujković, Dejan Ravšelj, Lan Umek, Aleksander Aristovnik:
Bibliometric analysis of smart public governance research
Aleksander Aristovnik, Dejan Ravšelj, Lan Umek:
A bibliometric analysis of COVID-19 across science and social science research landscape
Aleksander Aristovnik, Eva Murko, Dejan Ravšelj:
From neo-Weberian to hybrid governance models in public administration
Dejan Ravšelj, Lan Umek, Ljupčo Todorovski, Aleksander Aristovnik:
A review of Digital Era Governance research in the first two decades
Mirko Pečarič, Polonca Kovač, Lan Umek, Dejan Ravšelj:
Digitalisation and law
Alka Obadić, Dejan Ravšelj, Aleksander Aristovnik:
Administrative barriers in the field of employment in the EU
Dejan Ravšelj, Aleksander Aristovnik:
The impact of public R&D subsidies and tax incentives on business R&D expenditures
Dejan Ravšelj, Lan Umek, Mehmet Serkan Tosun, Aleksander Aristovnik:
Mapping fiscal research trajectories through bibliometric analysis
Polonca Kovač, Lan Umek, Dejan Ravšelj, Aleksander Aristovnik:
Impact of Covid-19 on the digitalisation of administrative procedures
Dejan Ravšelj, Aleksander Aristovnik:
The impact of R&D expenditures on corporate performance
Dejan Ravšelj, Aleksander Aristovnik:
The impact of private research and development expenditures and tax incentives on sustainable corporate growth in selected OECD countries
Sabina Hodžić, Dejan Ravšelj, Dubravka Jurlina-Alibegović:
E-government effectiveness and efficiency in EU-28 and COVID-19
Aleksander Aristovnik, Damijana Keržič, Dejan Ravšelj, Nina Tomaževič, Lan Umek:
Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on life of higher education students
Daniela Raccanello, Damijana Keržič, Dejan Ravšelj, Nina Tomaževič, Lan Umek, Aleksander Aristovnik:
Higher education students’ achievement emotions and their antecedents in e-learning amid COVID-19 pandemic
Aleksander Aristovnik, Damijana Keržič, Dejan Ravšelj, Nina Tomaževič, Lan Umek:
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life of higher education students
Nina Tomaževič, Polonca Kovač, Dejan Ravšelj, Lan Umek, Aleksander Aristovnik:
The role of agile values in enhancing good governance in public administration during the COVID-19 crisis
Aleksander Aristovnik, Kudo Hiroko, Eva Murko, Tadateru Sugawa, Dejan Ravšelj:
Investigating public governance models in Slovenia and Japan
Aleksander Aristovnik, Guo-liang Yang, Yao-yao Song, Dejan Ravšelj:
Industrial performance of the top R&D enterprises in world-leading economies
Aleksander Aristovnik, Dejan Ravšelj, Eva Murko:
Decoding the digital landscape
Aleksander Aristovnik, Dejan Ravšelj, Lan Umek, Nina Tomaževič:
Coping and emotions of global higher education students to the Ukraine war worldwide
Dejan Ravšelj:
Preverjanje statističnih hipotez
Dejan Ravšelj:
Preverjanje statističnih hipotez
Dejan Ravšelj:
Izbrane tehnike analize kvantitativnih podatkov v managementu
Dejan Ravšelj:
Izbrane tehnike analize kvantitativnih podatkov v managementu
Dejan Ravšelj:
Poročanje v obliki raziskovalnega članka
Dejan Ravšelj:
Poročanje v obliki raziskovalnega članka