
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Doktorska dela (3)

  1. Dejan Bošnjaković: Tunable optical diffractive structures from liquid crystalline materials
  2. Matjaž Ličen: Photoregulation of molecular assembly in thin surface films
  3. Lucija Čoga: Self-assembling properties of lipophilic nucleoside derivatives on surfaces

Magistrska dela (10)

  1. Mateja Pršlja: Strukturna anizotropija svetlobno občutljivih tekočekristalnih elastomerov
  2. Tomaž Pšeničnik: Karakterizacija tvorbe gvanozinskih nanožic z metodami sipanja svetlobe
  3. Matjaž Ličen: Koloidni kristali z dodatkom magnetnih nanodelcev
  4. Ana Marin: Določanje debeline enomolekulskih plasti maščobnih kislin na vodni gladini in na trdnih substratih
  5. Peter Šušnjar: A source of extreme ultraviolet light based on high harmonic generation in noble gases
  6. Gašper Glavan: Regulacija površinske strukture magneto-aktivnih elastomerov
  7. Katja Mihorko: Vpliv površinske hrapavosti na prehod svetlobe skozi polikarbonatne plošče
  8. Matija Lovšin: Rekonfigurabilni vzorci na površini magneto-aktivnih elastomerov
  9. Jure Brence: Podvajanje optične frekvence v feromagnetnih tekočih kristalih
  10. Izidor Straus: Karakterizacija odziva magnetoaktivnih lamel na homogeno zunanje magnetno polje

Diplomska dela (4)

  1. Rok Pintar: Večstabilna orientacijska struktura tekočega kristala v votlinah s kvadratnim prečnim presekom
  2. Vid Seražin: Spontana organizacija oligonukleotidov DNK z osrednjim zaporedjem d(GGAGGGGAGG)
  3. Luka Ogris: Vpliv kalijevih soli na tvorbo enomolekulskih plasti lipofilnih derivatov gvanozina na vodni površini
  4. Andreja Kastelic: Variabilne optične uklonske mrežice na osnovi polimerov in tekočih kristalov

Druga dela (20)

  1. Marko Gregorc, Hui Li, Valentina Domenici, Gabriela Ambrožič, Martin Čopič, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Kinetics of holographic recording and spontaneous erasure processes in light-sensitive liquid crystal elastomers
  2. Lotfi Saadaoui, Donghao Yang, Faheem Hassan, Ziyang Qiu, Yu Wang, Yujie Fan, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Yigang Li, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu: Electro-optic response of polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals with different polymer concentrations
  3. Matija Lovšin, Dominik Brandl, Gašper Glavan, Inna A. Belyaeva, Luka Cmok, Lucija Čoga, Mitjan Kalin, Mikhail Shamonin, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Reconfigurable surface micropatterns based on the magnetic field-induced shape memory effect in magnetoactive elastomers
  4. Gašper Glavan, Peter Salamon, Inna A. Belyaeva, Mikhail Shamonin, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Tunable surface roughness and wettability of a soft magnetoactive elastomer
  5. Gašper Glavan, Manja Kurečič, Uroš Maver, Karin Stana-Kleinschek, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Capillary wetting of profiled polyester fibres - a comparison between macroscopic and microscopic analysis
  6. Dejan Bošnjaković, Marko Gregorc, Hui Li, Martin Čopič, Valentina Domenici, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Mechanical manipulation of diffractive properties of optical holographic gratings from liquid crystalline elastomers
  7. Katarina Susman, Jure Bajc, Jelmer Renema, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Celia Voetmann: Spread of show physics in Europe
  8. Dejan Bošnjaković, Mathias Fleisch, Xinzheng Zhang, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Electrically tuneable optical diffraction gratings based on a polymer scaffold filled with a nematic liquid crystal
  9. Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Effect of laser illumination on liquid crystalline droplet(s) placed on the surface of an iron doped lithium niobate crystal
  10. Gaia Kravanja, Inna A. Belyaeva, Luka Hribar, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Mikhail Shamonin, Matija Jezeršek: Laser micromachining of magnetoactive elastomers as enabling technology for magnetoresponsive surfaces
  11. Izidor Straus, Gašper Kokot, Gaia Kravanja, Luka Hribar, Raphael Kriegl, Mikhail Shamonin, Matija Jezeršek, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Dynamically tunable lamellar surface structures from magnetoactive elastomers driven by a uniform magnetic field
  12. Gaia Kravanja, Raphael Kriegl, Luka Hribar, Gašper Glavan, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Mikhail Shamonin, Matija Jezeršek: Magnetically actuated surface microstructures for efficient transport and tunable separation of droplets and solids
  13. Luka Cmok, Virginie Coda, Nerea Sebastián Ugarteche, Alenka Mertelj, Marko Zgonik, Satoshi Aya, Mingjun Huang, Germano Montemezzani, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Running streams of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal on a lithium niobate surface
  14. Luka Cmok, Simon Mattiazzi, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Nerea Sebastián Ugarteche, Kristina Gak Simić, Nemanja Trišović, Mojca Vilfan: Optical switching of bent-core liquid crystals with azocinnamoyl units
  15. Ridvan Karapinar, Luka Cmok, Xinzheng Zhang, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Optical manipulation of sessile droplets of nematic liquid crystalline materials on the surface of a photovoltaic crystal
  16. Lotfi Saadaoui, Donghao Yang, Yu Wang, Faheem Hassan, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Xinzheng Zhang, Zenghua Gan, Yigang Li, Jingjun Xu: Electrically tunable two-color cholesteric laser
  17. Izidor Straus, Gaia Kravanja, Luka Hribar, Raphael Kriegl, Matija Jezeršek, Mikhail Shamonin, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Gašper Kokot: Surface modification of magnetoactive elastomers by laser micromachining
  18. Nerea Sebastián Ugarteche, Matija Lovšin, Natan Osterman, Andrej Petelin, Irena Drevenšek Olenik: Polarization patterning in ferroelectric nematic liquids via flexoelectric coupling
  19. Raphael Kriegl, Matija Jezeršek, Gaia Kravanja, Luka Hribar, Soham M. Mukhi, Gašper Kokot, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Mikhail Shamonin: Tunable rebound of millimeter-sized rigid balls by magnetic actuation of elastomer-based surface microstructures
  20. Zhichao Ji, Zenghua Gan, Yu Wang, Zhijian Liu, Donghao Yang, Yujie Fan, Wenhua Li, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Yigang Li, Xinzheng Zhang: Fractional Talbot lithography for predesigned large-area liquid-crystal alignment