In the following thesis l concentrate on the interpenetration of literature and film. As a result, Josip Vandot's stories of Kekec and its adaptation into film are compared. In the introductory part, history of Film Arts in Slovenia and Slovenian Film are presented. Also,the concept of Youth Literature as a genre and its status in our Country are defined. Further on, I highlight the high profile feature Youth Films, which are based on Literary Sources.
Later on, a Slovenian Youth writer Josip Vandot is presented. I focus on Vandot's themes, contents, style, motives, literary actions, time and space in his stories of Kekec (Kekec nad samotnim breznom, 1924, Kekec na volčji sledi, 1922), based on which a trilogy with Kekec as a main character was filmed. The previously mentioned literary sources are compared to film depictions (Kekec, 1951, Srečno, Kekec!, 1963 ter Kekčeve ukane, 1968), directed by Jože Gale. I highlight the common features, as well as the similarities and differences of the above. Also, it is shown that the film creators took quite an amount of creative freedom when transforming stories into film.
Nonetheless, they managed to produce likeable, quite correct Feature Youth Films with Kekec as the main character.