
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Vid Merljak: Analysis of the rod insertion method for control rod worth measurement

BSc theses (1)

  1. Gašper Renko: Izračun hitrosti doze nad bazenom za izrabljeno gorivo Nuklearne elektrarne Krško

Other documents (2)

  1. Tanja Goričanec, Bor Kos, Klemen Ambrožič, Andrej Trkov, Luka Snoj, Marjan Kromar: Determination of neutron flux redistribution factors for a typical pressurized water reactor ex-core measurements using Monte Carlo technique
  2. Jan Malec, Oscar  Cabellos, Marjan Kromar, Andrej Trkov: Generation and validation of a new WIMS-D library based on ENDF/B-VIII.0