
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Jelena Vasiljević: Oblikovanje večfunkcionalnih zaščitnih lastnosti tekstilij s plazmo in tehnologijo sol-gel

BSc theses (1)

  1. Nina Logar: Vpliv protimikrobne apreture na lastnosti pletiva iz polimlečne kisline

Other documents (12)

  1. Domen Malis, Barbara Jeršek, Brigita Tomšič, Danaja Štular, Barbara Golja, Gregor Kapun, Barbara Simončič: Antibacterial activity and biodegradation of cellulose fiber blends with incorporated ZnO
  2. Jelena Vasiljević, Andrej Demšar, Mirjam Leskovšek, Barbara Simončič, Nataša Čelan Korošin, Ivan Jerman, Matic Šobak, Gregor Žitko, Nigel Willy Van de Velde, Marija Čolović: Characterization of polyamide 6/multilayer graphene nanoplatelet composite textile filaments obtained via in situ polymerization and melt spinning
  3. Jelena Vasiljević, Marija Čolović, Ivan Jerman, Barbara Simončič, Andrej Demšar, Younes Samaki, Matic Šobak, Ervin Šest, Barbara Golja, Mirjam Leskovšek, Vili Bukošek, Jože Medved, Marco Barbalini, Giulio Malucelli, Silvester Bolka: In situ prepared polyamide 6/DOPO-derivative nanocomposite for melt-spinning of flame retardant textile filaments
  4. Jelena Vasiljević, Ivan Jerman, Barbara Simončič: Graphitic carbon nitride as a new sustainable photocatalyst for textile functionalization
  5. Danaja Štular, Matic Šobak, Mohor Mihelčič, Ervin Šest, Ilija German Ilić, Ivan Jerman, Barbara Simončič, Brigita Tomšič: Proactive release of antimicrobial essential oil from a "smart" cotton fabric
  6. Danaja Štular, Elisa Savio, Barbara Simončič, Matic Šobak, Ivan Jerman, Ida Poljanšek, Ada Ferri, Brigita Tomšič: Multifunctional antibacterial and ultraviolet protective cotton cellulose developed by in situ biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles into a polysiloxane matrix mediated by sumac leaf extract
  7. Jelena Vasiljević, Danaja Štular, Gabriela Kalčíková, Janja Zajc, Matic Šobak, Andrej Demšar, Brigita Tomšič, Barbara Simončič, Marija Čolović, Vid Simon Šelih, Ivan Jerman: New insights into antibacterial and antifungal properties, cytotoxicity and aquatic ecotoxicity of flame retardant PA6/DOPO-derivative nanocomposite textile fibers
  8. Anja Verbič, Marija Gorjanc, Barbara Simončič: Zinc oxide for functional textile coatings
  9. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid, Brigita Tomšič, Barbara Simončič, Ivan Jerman, Danaja Štular, Matija Zorc: Sustainable and cost-effective functionalization of textile surfaces with Ag-doped TiO$_2$/polysiloxane hybrid nanocomposite for UV protection, antibacterial and self-cleaning properties
  10. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid, Brigita Tomšič, Barbara Simončič, Ivan Jerman, Danaja Štular, Matija Zorc, Nataša Čelan Korošin: In situ tailoring of Ag-doped-TiO$_2$/TPMP/cotton nanocomposite with UV-protective, self-sterilizing and flame-retardant performance for advanced technical textiles
  11. Dominika Glažar, Ivan Jerman, Brigita Tomšič, Raghuraj Singh Chouhan, Barbara Simončič: Emerging and promising multifunctional nanomaterial for textile application based on graphitic carbon nitride heterostructure nanocomposites
  12. Mohammad Mamunur Rashid, Barbara Simončič, Matija Zorc, Nataša Čelan Korošin, Ivan Jerman, Brigita Tomšič: Sustainable in situ synthesis of silver/titanium dioxide/organofunctional trialkoxysilane nanocomposite coatings on cotton fabric to tailor superior multifunctional protective properties