
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (1)

  1. Rok Hribar: Razvoj modelov za toplotne izgube pri stavbah z namenom napovedovanja porabe zemeljskega plina v Ljubljani

Other documents (13)

  1. Rok Hribar, Primož Potočnik, Jurij Šilc, Gregor Papa: A comparison of models for forecasting the residential natural gas demand of an urban area
  2. Primož Potočnik, Ervin Strmčnik, Edvard Govekar: Linear and neural network-based models for short-term heat load forecasting
  3. Primož Potočnik, Martin Misson, Roman Šturm, Edvard Govekar, Tomaž Kek: Deep feature extraction based on AE signals for the characterization of loaded carbon fiber epoxy and glass fiber epoxy composites
  4. Primož Potočnik, Edvard Govekar: Semi-supervised vibration-based classification and condition monitoring of compressors
  5. Ervin Strmčnik, Primož Potočnik, Edvard Govekar: Raziskava in razvoj empiričnih modelov za napovedovanje odjema toplote v vročevodnem sistemu
  6. Primož Potočnik, Boris Vidrih, Andrej Kitanovski, Edvard Govekar: Neural network, ARX, and extreme learning machine models for the short-term prediction of temperature in buildings
  7. Primož Potočnik, Edvard Govekar: Adaptive optimization of heating curves in buildings heated by a weather-compensated heat pump
  8. Primož Potočnik, Borja Olmos Lopez-Roso, Lučka Vodopivec, Egon Susič, Edvard Govekar: Condition classification of heating systems valves based on acoustic features and machine learning
  9. Primož Potočnik, Primož Škerl, Edvard Govekar: Machine-learning-based multi-step heat demand forecasting in a district heating system
  10. Tomaž Kek, Primož Potočnik, Martin Misson, Zoran Bergant, Mario Sorgente, Edvard Govekar, Roman Šturm: Characterization of biocomposites and glass fiber epoxy composites based on acoustic emission signals, deep feature extraction, and machine learning
  11. Primož Potočnik, Boris Vidrih, Andrej Kitanovski, Edvard Govekar: Analysis and optimization of thermal comfort in residential buildings by means of a weather-controlled air-to-water heat pump
  12. Primož Potočnik, Andrej Jeromen, Edvard Govekar: Genetic algorithm-based framework for optimization of laser beam path in additive manufacturing
  13. Primož Potočnik, Andrej Jeromen, Edvard Govekar: Genetic algorithm-based optimization of the laser-beam path in additive manufacturing