
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

MSc theses (2)

  1. Bojan Papić: Biotehnološki potencial metagenomskih knjižnic iz mikrobnih skupnosti kraških jam
  2. Petra Mlinar: Molekulska raznolikost izolatov fitoplazme, povzročiteljice metličavosti jablan

BSc theses (2)

  1. Patricia Petrič: Iskanje protimikrobnih snovi, ki jih izločajo bakterije izolirane iz jam
  2. Barbara Kovče: Mikrobna raznolikost prevlek, ki tvorijo 'jamsko srebro' v Pajsarjevi jami

Other documents (11)

  1. Rok Kostanjšek, Lejla Pašić, Holger Daims, Boris Sket: Structure and community composition of sprout-like bacterial aggregates in a Dinaric Karst subterranean stream
  2. Muthu Manikandan, Lejla Pašić, Vijayaraghavan Kannan: Purification and biological characterization of a halophilic thermostable protease from Haloferax lucentensis VKMM 007
  3. Francisco Rodriguez-Valera, Ana-Belen Martin-Cuadrado, Beltran Rodriguez-Brito, Lejla Pašić, T. Frede Thingstad, Forest Rohwer, Alex Mira: Explaining microbial population genomics through phage predation
  4. Lejla Pašić, Barbara Kovče, Boris Sket, Blagajana Herzog-Velikonja: Diversity of microbial communities colonizing the walls of a Karstic cave in Slovenia
  5. Ana-Belen Martin-Cuadrado, Lejla Pašić, Francisco Rodriguez-Valera: Diversity of the cell-wall associated genomic island of the archaeon Haloquadratum walsbyi
  6. Muthu Manikandan, Vijayaraghavan Kannan, Lejla Pašić: Diversity of microorganisms in solar salterns of Tamil Nadu, India
  7. Beltran Rodriguez-Brito, Lejla Pašić: Viral and microbial community dynamics in four aquatic environments
  8. Ali Makhdoumi-Kakhki, Mohammad Ali Amoozegar, Bahram Kazemi, Lejla Pašić, Antonio Ventosa: Prokaryotic diversity in Aran-Bidgol salt lake, the largest hypersaline playa in Iran
  9. Muthu Manikandan, Vijayaraghavan Kannan, Blagajana Herzog-Velikonja, Lejla Pašić: Optimization of growth medium for protease production by Haloferax lucentensis VKMM 007 by response surface methodology
  10. Soledad Cuezva, Lejla Pašić: The biogeochemical role of Actinobacteria in Altamira Cave, Spain
  11. Tina Šantl Temkiv, Kai Finster, Bjarne Munk Hansen, Lejla Pašić, Ulrich Gosewinkel Karlson: Viable methanotrophic bacteria enriched from air and rain can oxidize methane at cloud-like conditions