In the article the results of the research on the selected elements of the art
education-related activities in Slovenian kindergartens are presented, which
was conducted within the first phase of the education programme titled
“Professional training for practitioners for the purpose of implementing
elements of special pedagogical principles of the Reggio Emilia concept in the
field of preschool education for the period 2008-2013”. The findings of the
research were interesting. From the responses of the preschool teachers it is
evident that they dispose of rather suitable theoretical knowledge on the
characteristic features of artistic expression in the preschool period, whereas on
the basis of the educational documentation of a thematic artistic task it can be
inferred that their fundamental knowledge is rather weak in practice;
consequently, it is partly in opposition to the needs and abilities of preschool
children. The authors emphasize the basic educational starting points of art
activities for preschool children and the options provided by the Reggio Emilia
Approach in this area, whereby they critically evaluate the mentioned
educational approach as the one exhibiting certain conceptual disparity.