The article is written on the basis of statistical data from Slovenian public opinion survey (SJM) 2000/2 (a part that refers to environment). A comparison is also made by data from Slovenian public opinion survey 1993/2, 1997/1 and 1997/3. The author took into account the answers of the respondents that show the following: respondents' value intrinsic or instrumental, pragmatic, anthropocentric perception of life; their self-reflection on their own possibilities for environmental action; their opinion regarding the value of environmental action; their attitude toward various environmental consequences(chemisation of food, low dose of radioactive radiation, hotbed), the level of consciousness regarding their own interference into the environmental consequences; perception of risk of pollution; and information regarding the international environmental issues. Environmental consciousness of Slovenians is heterogeneous. However, three patterns of ecological/environmental consciousness and practical ecological/environmental posture can be traced: a) prevalence of extension of ecological paradigm; b) balance between non-ecological and ecological mental and practical posture, and c) prevalence of characteristics of non-ecological paradigm. Confrontation of various answers reveals presence of the following differences: between public opinion and scientific knowledge; between principled support to intrinsic ecological values and at the same time consentto anthropocentric values in conflict situations; between ecological/environmental declarative motivation for ecological action and the actual ecological behavior.