Many of wood and other industry companies have a poorly developed material management system. The most common reason might be the personnel in charge who is unaware of the importance of having a well-organized stock management. A part from being a necessity, dealing with stock material is also a demanding and complex task. In order to simplify this task, the Zupanc Joinery decided to perform a classical ABC analysis for dividing inventory in 3 classes. In class A there were 15.1 % of all material items, representing 72.4 % of the total money consumption. Class B included 25.2 % of material items, equaling 20.3 % of the total consumption, while class C represented 59.7 % of all material items, adding up to only 7.2 % of the total consumption. The collected data showed which materials and suppliers were more relevant to the company, and therefore, required greater attention regarding the determination of purchase prices. Furthermore, a review and an analysis of suppliers were made. The obtained results highlighted the necessity of gaining alternate suppliers and played a vital role in the establishment of a new stock management system.