Master's thesis was created in collaboration with the company Iskratel d.o.o.
whose activity is also development of advanced web applications. Web applications
can use a variety of synchronous and asynchronous communication techniques.
During development of various web applications a need for tool, which would be
capable to implement high-quality automatic performance testing, appeared in our
company. My primary task was selection and evaluation tools for performance
testing of web applications.
In the first part of the master's thesis I presented the structure, properties and
communications technology of web applications. Then follows detail descriptions of
performance testing and how it should be properly handle. Furthermore, I presented
the procedures and methods of evaluation tools for automatic performance testing. In
the second part it was necessary to present tools and web applications that were
included in the evaluation and performance testing. Then I compared results of the
evaluation of each tool and chose the most appropriate tool. With the winning tool, I
carry out more detailed performance tests. Based on results, I obtain very useful
information and main indicators of the quality performance of web applications.