For my bachelor's theme I chose two plays written by Jovanović, "Norci" and "Znamke, nakar še Emilija". I pinpointed and explored the characteristics which make them dramas of the absurd and where we can find criticisms of society. My goal was to find the differences between Eastern and Western European dramas of the absurd, specifically between the ones mentioned above with "Waiting for Godot" and "The bald soprano". According to Esslin, dramas of the absurd in the East have the function of political criticism, but it must remain hidden behind metaphors, so I started looking for metaphors in Jovanović's plays and wrote out some of them.
Afterwards, I was exploring the differences between Slovene dramas of the absurd and the well known "The bald soprano" and "Waiting for Godot". We cannot find criticism of society in them, but the absurd elements are far more pronounced. Empty and meaningless dialogue, repetition of words, possible replacement of characters, since they are exactly the same, repeated events or going back to the beginning are just some of the elements, which makes the two plays so different from the traditional dramas of the absurd.
In the conclusion I have confirmed my hypothesis about Eastern European dramas of the absurd being apolitical whereas Western European dramas of the absurd, also including Slovenian based works, contain criticisms of society. With these they wanted to encourage the people to start thinking about their everyday life and, as a result, make them wish for change themselves.