Introduction: The aging process are complex and multi-layered phenomenon that can be
defined in various ways depending on the different aspects and contexts in which they are
used. Understanding aging and managing aging factors contributes to improving the quality
of life in later years when there is a greater susceptibility to health conditions. Providing care
for older adults requires a comprehensive approach that considers the unique needs and
challenges faced by this population. It requires a holistic approach and promotes respecting
the ethical norms of the profession, as it is closely linked to caring for the well-being of the
sick, injured, and vulnerable individuals in our society. Ethical aspects in caring for older
adults are based on the principle of the Hippocratic Oath "First, do no harm" (lat. Primum
non nocere). Ethical considerations may involve issues of responsibility, respect for human
dignity, care for others, freedom, equality, and fairness. The four fundamental principles in
healthcare are: the principle of beneficence, the principle of non-maleficence, the principle
of patient autonomy, and the principle of justice. Purpose: To present, through scientific
and professional literature, the communication of healthcare professionals with older adults
in healthcare institutions and to present the ethical aspects of communication. Methods: A
descriptive work method was used with a review of scientific and professional literature in
Slovenian and English. Literature search was conducted on online databases. Literature
search was conducted between November 2023 and April 2024. Discussion and conclusion:
We have found how important communication with older adults is, as well as the ethical
aspects of communication, which are closely linked and important for effective,
comprehensive, and quality healthcare. Research has shown that there is still much room and
opportunity for improvement.