During the operation of hydraulic systems, faults can occur in individual hydraulic
components, which can lead to the failure of the entire hydraulic system. There are many
causes or phenomena that result in damage to the hydraulic components in the system,
including the diesel effect, which occurs when there is an excessive amount of air in the
hydraulic components or when the hydraulic oil contains an excessive amount of air bubbles
as a result of low system pressure.
In this final work, we have focused on studying of the effects of the diesel effects that occurs
during the operation of the hydraulic cylinder. The first step is to determine the system
parameters under which the diesel effect occurs in the hydraulic cylinder. The second step
is to conduct an experiment under different conditions to trigger the occurrence of the diesel
effect. Finally, the candidate should disassemble the hydraulic cylinder and evaluate the
consequences of the effect. Analyse the results obtained in terms of the negative impact of
the diesel effect on the performance of the entire system and propose measures to avoid it.