Satisfied members are a criterion for the successful and efficient functioning of the Association.
A satisfied member will bring and invite their friends to the association, which means thatthey
help the association to grow, while dissatisfaction leads to a lower membership, which also leads
to a lower productivity of the association. The aim of the thesis is to help the Logatec Students'
Club to find out the current state of the satisfaction factors of the members and to give them
suggestions to increase them by means of a satisfaction factor survey. The aim of the thesis is to
investigate the factors that have the greatest impact on member satisfaction.
In the theoretical part of the thesis, the different concepts such as association and student
clubs are presented, as well as the legal basis behind them. Later on, satisfaction
with the services and in the association itself is presented, as well as the factors of
satisfaction. In the empirical part, the survey and its results are presented. Through the survey I
wanted to find out which factors the club members are most and least satisfied with, as well as
their overall satisfaction with the club.
The results of the survey showed that members are most satisfied with the quality of events and
involvement in the club's activities, and least satisfied with the club's public image and
leadership. In testing the hypotheses, I found that the quality of events has the greatest impact
on member satisfaction, and members are least satisfied with the public image of the club. In order
to increase member satisfaction, the club would need to do the most work on factors such as public
image, club leadership and the content of events. Overall, it was found that members are satisfied
with the Club's performance. Suggestions for improvement were also made for the lower scores.