
Mnenje študentov o storitvah Centralne tehniške knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani
ID Munda, Mark (Avtor), ID Koler Povh, Cvetka Teja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani (CTK) je visokošolska knjižnica, ki vsebinsko pokriva področja tehnike in naravoslovja in nudi svoje storitve predvsem študentom in zaposlenim na Univerzi v Ljubljani (UL). Prilagodljivost, raznolikost in spremenljivost so argumenti, ki pomagajo visokošolskim knjižnicam pri soočanju z novimi izzivi 21. stoletja. Da knjižnice lahko sledijo novim potrebam svojih uporabnikov, sistematično spremljajo njihove potrebe in zadovoljstvo. Raziskava, opisana v tem magistrskem delu, vrednoti zadovoljstvo študentov, uporabnikov CTK, s storitvami knjižnice in vpliv storitev CTK na njihov študij. Mnenje študentov je bilo pridobljeno z anketno metodo. Anketa je bila izvedena med marcem in avgustom leta 2019. Raziskava odgovarja na vprašanja, katere storitve CTK študenti uporabljajo, kako so s temi storitvami zadovoljni in kako ocenjujejo vpliv storitev CTK na njihov študij. Ugotovljeno je, da študenti največ uporabljajo čitalniške prostore za študij, pri čemer je najpogosteje uporabljan osrednji čitalniški prostor. Študenti so v splošnem zadovoljni s storitvami CTK in izražajo relativno visoko povprečno stopnjo zadovoljstva. Primerjava s prejšnjimi referenčnimi raziskavami kaže na vztrajen trend povečevanja uporabe čitalnic in podaljševanja časa, preživetega v prostorih CTK. Kljub temu, da ima CTK najdaljši odpiralni čas med vsemi knjižnicami v Ljubljani, pa je ugotovljeno nezadovoljstvo zaradi, po mnenju študentov, še vedno prekratkega odpiralnega časa. Skoraj vsi študenti menijo, da jim storitve CTK pomagajo pri študiju. Ugotovitve raziskave lahko vodstvo CTK uporabi pri načrtovanju bodočega razvoja knjižnice.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:zadovoljstvo uporabnikov, študenti, storitve knjižnice, visokošolska knjižnica, Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univerze v Ljubljani, anketa
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138591 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:121506051 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.07.2022
Število ogledov:752
Število prenosov:117
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Students' opinion about the services of the Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana
Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana (CTK) is an academic library which covers the fields of technological and natural sciences, and provides its services namely to students and staff of the University of Ljubljana (UL). When facing the challenges of the 21st century, academic libraries continue to demonstrate their characteristics of adaptability, diversity and variability. In order to meet the demands of their users, libraries are systematically monitoring the needs and satisfaction of library customers. The research described in this master's thesis evaluates the satisfaction of students with the services of CTK and the impact of library services on their studies. For this purpose, a survey was used. The survey was conducted during the period between March and August 2019. Thesis research answers the questions which services of the CTK the students are using, how satisfied are they with library services, and how they assess the impact of CTK's services on their studies. The findings show that students mostly use the library premises for studying, most frequently in the central library reading room. In general, the students seem to be satisfied with the CTK's services and they express a high average level of satisfaction. The comparison with past referential research that was conducted in CTK, demonstrates a trend of increasing use of library reading rooms and time spent in the library. Even though CTK's opening hours are the longest in Ljubljana, the findings show a dissatisfaction among students, who believe that the opening hours are still too short. Almost all students believe that the services, which the CTK provides, are helping their studies. The findings of the master's thesis could be used by CTK management to plan the future development of the library.

Ključne besede:user satisfaction, students, library services, academic library, Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana, survey

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