In my master's thesis, I discuss the concept of integrating students with disabilities into regular primary schools. I have defined the population of children with problems and society’s attitude towards them throughout history. I briefly described each group of children with problems, and I tackled autism in more detail. I described the integration and mentioned it.
Next, I focused on the guidance process and the role of experts in it. At the end of the work, I did research or interviews with which I wanted to find out what the situation is with a personal assistant. In fact, I was interested in how those assistants in BiH are viewed and how the state represents them, how children with problems are viewed and what their access to knowledge is.
The aim of the master's thesis was to show to what extent the law is fulfilled in reality, what are the good and what are the disadvantages of including children with problems in regular schools, what are the problems faced by professionals, parents of children and children themselves.