
Strukturna analiza karbonsko-permskih plasti vzdolž Save pri Ljubljani : diplomsko delo
ID Oblak, Kevin (Avtor), ID Vrabec, Marko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Vrabec, Mirijam (Komentor)

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MD5: A62B5FF13251DD93604305C5E95CE797

Na izdanku karbonsko-permskih klastitov, ki se nahaja ob reki Savi v bližini Črnuč severno od Ljubljane sem analiziral tektonske strukture. Kamninski paket, ki izdanja, je debel 30 m in je sestavljen iz dveh vrst kamnin. Prvi tip so drobnozrnati peščenjaki, drugi tip pa so zelo drobnozrnati metamorfni skrilavci. Kamnine sem preiskal z metodo rentgenske praškovne difrakcije (XRD) in z optično mikroskopijo. Oba tipa kamnin vsebujeta metamorfne minerale kot so albit, muskovit, klorit in illit. Za strukturno analizo sem na terenu popisal in interpretiral mezoskopske strukture kot so žile, gube, krenulacijske lineacije in prelomi, ter izmeril njihovo orientacijo. Z analizo orientacij struktur v krogelni projekciji sem določil kinematske osi deformacij, ki so povzročile nastanek struktur. Določil sem dve skupini nateznih žil, ki kažeta na dve epizodi raztezanja ozemlja v smeri NE-SW in ESE-WNW. Starostnega odnosa med tema družinama, ter relativne starosti glede na epizode krčenja ozemlja nisem mogel ugotoviti. Fazo tenzije s smerjo NE-SW bi lahko pripisal srednjemiocenski regionalni ekstenziji. Strukture krčenja, ki obsegajo mezoskopske reverzne prelome in gube, krenulacijske lineacije, ešalonirane strižne žile in konjugirane sisteme razpok, nakazujejo na dve fazi krčenja ozemlja, povezani z narivanjem. Prva, starejša faza narivanja je potekala v smeri proti SE do SSE. Zanjo so značilne duktilne deformacije in nastajanje krenulacijskega klivaža, zato domnevam, da so bile v tej epizodi kamnine na večji globini kot danes, oziroma da je bila ta faza sočasna z metamorfizmom kamnin. Druga faza krčenja ozemlja ima smer generalno NE-SW, kar po smeri ustreza eocensko-oligocenskemu dinarskemu narivanju. Strukture te faze imajo bolj lomni značaj in so verjetno nastale pri nižjih tlakih in temperaturah kot strukture prve faze.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:strukturna analiza, nizka stopnja metamorfoze, karbonsko-permski klastiti, kremenove žile, konjugirani sistemi razpok, krenulacijske mikrogube, mezoskopske strukture
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[K. Oblak]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:XII, 37 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131613 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:83862275 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:30.09.2021
Število ogledov:1340
Število prenosov:99
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Structural analysis of Carboniferous-Permian beds along the Sava river near Ljubljana : diploma work
An outcrop of Carboniferous – Permian clastic rocks located along the Sava river near Črnuče north of Ljubljana was studied to analyze tectonic structures. The studied section with a total stratigraphic thickness of 30 m comprises fine-grained sandstones and very-fine grained slates. The rocks were examined with X-ray diffraction and with optical microscopy. In both types of rock, metamorphic minerals such as albite, muscovite, clorite and illite are present. The rocks exhibit a low degree of metamorfism, however, SEM investigation and Raman spectrometry would additionally be required for exact determination of metamorphic grade. In structural analysis, various mesoscopic structrures such as joints, shear fractures, folds, faults and crenulation clevage were described and interpreted, and their orientations were measured. Orientations of structures were analysed in spherical projection to determine kinematic axes of deformation episodes, which produced the structures. Two groups of tensional veins, implying NE-SE and ESE-WNW directed extension were identified. Relative timing of these vein families, and their relative age with respect to shortening structures, was not possible to determine. The phase of NE-SE directed extension could be correlated to Mid-Miocene regional extension documented in the literature. Contractional structures, which include mesoscopic reverse faults and folds, crenulation cleavage, en echelon shear joints and conjugate fractures imply two phases of thrusting-related shortening. In the first, older phase the thrusting was SE to SSE-directed. This phase is characterized by ductile deformations and formation of crenulation cleavage, therefore I assume that during this stage the rocks were burried at a greater depths than today, and that this phase was probably coeval with metamorphism. Second phase of shortening is NE-SW-oriented, which matches in direction the Eocene-Oligocene Dinaric thrusting episode. Structures of this phase are of more brittle character and were thus probably formed at lower presures and temperatures compared to the structures of the first phase.

Ključne besede:structural analysis, low grade metamorphism, carboniferous.permian clastites, quartz joint, conjugate fracture, crenulation cleavage, mesoscopic structures

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