Cultural sector and employment within it has changed differently than other sectors in Slovenia, like manufacture sector where a standard type of employment is most common. For the implementation of cultural activities, non-standard forms of employment, e.g. self-employment or work under a copyright contract are common in Slovenia and also in other parts of the world. Which give the employer more flexibility and less obligations from the labour law view. Despite the commitment in the 2014-2017 Resolution on the National Programme for Culture, where the government made large efforts in increasing the numbers of employed artist and cultural workers, the number of self-employed artist are still increasing every year, accordin to the data from Ministry of Culture.
Despite various financial aids for self-emplyment and the right to payed social security contributions, there are still problems in their line of work. The self-employed cultural workers have been pointing out the inadequacy of the current state given supports and a very poorly set criteria for their achievements, which they have to met, in order for them to recieve the support. Many other inadequacies were also shown by the many analyzes made on the topic of the self-employed cultural workers.
The topic of this paper focuses around self-employed cultural artists and through the analysis of legal and secundary sources, presents their labour and social status in Slovenia. Some attention is also given to other freelancer professions and their legal regulation, where the situation of journalists is presented in more detail, because they have signed a collective agreement for their work, which in the future could also be signed for the work of all cultural workers. From a social security point of view, there is still a widespread problem in which the self-employed are heavily dependent on state given support, and current research has shown that the corona crisis has only worsened their economic and social situation. The work of the self-employed includes not only artistic creation related to one type of art, but also various administrative tasks, which consequently leads to exceeding the working hours of employees, which puts them in a less favourable situation in comparison with the employed workers, except if he doesn't provide these rights by himself.