The graduation thesis discusses the necessity of political and legal protection of elderly workers, the role of the Employment service of Slovenia (hereinafter ESS) in the integration of the elderly into the labour market and suggestions for the reduction of unemployment, since Slovenia has one of the lowest employment rates of the elderly within the European Union.
Through the research, we identify, how the ESS encourages and directs the unemployed towards their return to the labour market, which measures have been enforced for the unemployed elderly, how many older persons have participated in individual measures, how the labour force participation of the elderly has been changing and how efficient the measures were. The findings relate to the participation of persons, older then 50, in the ESS measures in the period from 2014 to 2019. We find that an increasing number of persons is participating in the active employment policy measures, which improves the state of the elderly on the labour market, but in terms of the rate of the unemployed, long-term unemployed and poorly educated persons, they still prevail, meaning that other groups on the labour market are quicker to find employment, while the elderly remain unemployed. In this manner, the employment measures are still insufficiently effective and directed towards the prevention of temporary unemployment to convert into long-term unemployment.
From the graduation thesis arises the importance of labour force participation of the elderly on the labour market, since the projections of EUROPOP2018 do not predict favourable demographic conditions on the labour market for the next decades. The ESS is one of the main institutions, which will have an increasingly important role in solving this problem in the future.