The purpose of diploma thesis: Wooden box production for storing bulk foods and printing corresponding label, was to make wooden packaging and design and print corresponding labels for labeling bulk foods. At the same time we try to check the usability of wooden packaging with corresponding labels and also to define their resistance to various external factors.
For that purpose we printed labels and color samples of basic printing colors CMYK in three different printing technologies: inkjet, UV inkjet and electrophotographic technology. Handmade prototype of wooden box made of spruce, confirmed that the packaging is functional, suitable for use and aesthetic. Labels are designed in different colors and different shapes with dedicated graphic symbol and sign which illustrates us which food is in the packaging. Colorimetric measurments and measurments of optical density confirmed differences between different printing technologies, as already shown by visual evaluation of CMYK color samples. With those results, electrophotography has proven to be the most suitable printing technique for printing labels.
We also performed durability tests on the printed color labels. We performed: dry rub test, exposure to light test, exposure to different chemicals and exposure to higher level of moisture and temperature. Visual evaluation, optical density measurements and colorimetric evaluations of CMYK color samples after durability tests showed that there were small color differences, in some cases well visible differences, and only exceptionally large color differences. Prints have mostly good durability on dry rubbing, water and acid, a little less on light, higher moisture and temperature and alkali. However, there are differences between individual colors and printing techniques. UV inkjet printing technology ensures adequate print quality and gives us similar results of durability tests on various external factors as electrophotography, so it’s also suitable for printing labels.