With the use of Langmuir probe and emissive probe we determined physical properties of plasma-plasma density, electron temperature and plasma potential at different experimental conditions. The Langmuir probe is one of electrical probes used to diagnose low temperature plasma. In the Plasma physics laboratory at the JSI we have made a Langmuir probe and an emissive probe. Argon plasma was used in every experiment and was created in linear magnetised plasma device. We investigated current-voltage characteristics of Lanmguir probe at different experimental conditions. Current to probe was measured at various applied voltages. We investigated the influence of pressure, discharged current and voltage on floating potential, plasma potential, electron temperature and plasma density. The experiments with the emissive probe were also done in argon plasma. We have measured probe characteristics at different heating currents, from which we determined the floating potential. We compared floating potential with plasma potential determined from cold probe characteristics. In the end we observed the influence of pressure on emissive probe characteristics.