The arrangement of books in primary school libraries and the youth department of public libraries is very important for young users. Children get attracted to explore and select books independently, which contributes to their overall well-being in the library. In 2010, the Pionirska – Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship in the youth department of the Oton Župančič Library in Ljubljana introduced a new method of book arrangement: according to reading perspective. The new arrangement is characteristic of youth departments of all branches of Ljubljana City Library. We were interested whether and how this affected the arrangement in Ljubljana's primary schools. The research, conducted in 35 of 48 primary schools, showed that libraries strictly follow the existing guidelines and consider library legislation by adopting the traditional arrangement, relating to reader's age, whereas instructional material is arranged in different ways. None of the primary schools in Ljubljana follows the Pionirska example in arranging books. The main two reasons hindering such arrangement are, according to school librarians, lack of space and lack of time. More than a half of participants believe that age-based arrangement should continue to remain in use and they seek upgrade in the field of material equipment and renaming age groups. School libraries follow the Pionirska examples only in the use of colour bands on the back cover, pictograms and a different placement of bookshelves.