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Osebni fitnes trenerji Fitnes zveze Slovenije kot učinkoviti mentorji
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Težava, ki se pojavlja pri pogojih za učinkovito mentorstvo osebnih fitnes trenerjev, je predvsem ta, da večina nima dovolj ustreznih spretnosti za prenos teoretičnega znanja iz športne oz. fitnes teorije v prakso. Velikokrat se zdi samoumevno, da na športnem področju oz. področju fitnesa teoretično znanje zadostuje za izvedbo uspešnega mentorstva v fitnesu. Osebni fitnes trenerji, ki se odločijo, da bodo postali tudi mentorji, morajo za to prej opraviti različna usposabljanja oziroma licenčne seminarje na Fitnes zvezi Slovenije (FZS), s katerimi izpolnijo pogoje za pristop k izpitu za opravljanje mentorstva. Pred opravljanjem izpita za mentorja FZS morajo imeti osebni fitnes trenerji že 2 leti delovnih izkušenj na področju vadbe, za katero prevzemajo mentorstvo (Fitnes zveza Slovenije b. l.). Menimo, da bi bilo treba poudariti pomen učinkovitega mentorstva za fitnes trenerje kot mentorje, saj so oni tisti, ki novim vaditeljem pomagajo na poslovni, športni in karierni poti. Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati, kakšni so fitnes trenerji kot mentorji in koliko so pri svojem mentorstvu učinkoviti. Zanimalo nas je zlasti, kakšne so njihove mentorske vloge ter katere so njihove naloge in kompetence. V teoretičnem delu smo po poglavjih opisali glavna teoretična izhodišča, v empiričnem delu magistrske naloge pa smo na podlagi podatkov iz anketnih vprašalnikov ugotavljali, kako mentorji FZS na različnih področjih vadbe vidijo vloge in naloge mentorja, katere kompetence že imajo in ali menijo, da te zadostujejo za opravljanje učinkovitega mentorstva. Raziskali smo tudi njihova mnenja o tem, ali je program mentorstvo FZS primeren in ali se po opravljenem programu mentorstva FZS in pridobljeni licenci čutijo zadostno usposobljene. Ugotavljali smo tudi, ali se pojavljajo razlike v usposobljenosti mentorjev glede na področje vadbe, spola in časa delovanja na športnem področju. Poleg naštetega smo raziskovali še, ali fitnes trenerji menijo, da so potrebne določene izboljšave na področju mentorstva, in na podlagi njihovih mnenj ter predlogov podali rešitve in konstruktivne predloge Fitnes zvezi Slovenije, saj se le tako lahko njihovo delo še izboljša. Ugotovili smo, da fitnes mentorji dodatnemu znanju in usposabljanju ne dajejo posebnega poudarka. Na fitnes področju se nenehno pojavljajo nove smernice za vadbo in prehrano, s katerimi morajo biti mentorji seznanjeni, vendar se več kot polovica mentorjev usposabljanj za mentorja FZS ni udeležila, kar tri četrtine pa jih niti ne meni, da potrebujejo nadgradnjo obstoječega znanja, saj večinoma menijo, da so dobro ali odlično usposobljeni za delo s strankami v fitnesu.
Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:
učinkovit mentor
učinkovito mentorstvo
osebni fitnes trener
osebno trenerstvo
Fitnes zveza Slovenije.
Vrsta gradiva:
Magistrsko delo/naloga
FF - Filozofska fakulteta
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Sekundarni jezik
Angleški jezik
Personal Fitness Trainers of the Fitness Association of Slovenia as effective mentors
The problem with effectiveness of personal fitness trainers as mentors is that most of them lack adequate skills necessary to put their theoretical knowledge of sports or fitness into practice. It is often taken for granted that for successful fitness mentoring theoretical knowledge of fitness is sufficient. Personal fitness trainers who decide to become mentors must first complete various trainings or licensing seminars at the Fitness Association of Slovenia (FZS) in order to qualify for the mentoring exam. Before taking the FZS mentoring exam, personal fitness trainers must have 2 years of work experience in training for which they are undergoing mentorship (Fitness Association of Slovenia, b. l.). The importance of effective mentoring for fitness trainers as mentors should be highlighted; they are the ones who help new trainers on their business, sports and career paths. The purpose of the master's thesis was to investigate what fitness trainers are like as mentors and how effective they are in their mentoring. We were particularly interested in their roles as mentors, their tasks and competences. The theoretical part of the thesis lists, chapter by chapter, the main theoretical starting points. In the empirical part, data obtained with survey questionnaires is examined with the purpose to find out how FZS mentors in different fields of training perceive the roles and tasks of a mentor, what competences they already have and whether they think their competences suffice for effective mentoring. We examined their opinions on whether the FZS mentoring program is appropriate and whether, after having completed the FZS mentoring program and having obtained the licenses, they feel sufficiently qualified. Also examined was whether mentors’ skills differ with respect to their field of exercise, gender and work experience in sports. One of the intentions was also to find out whether fitness trainers think that certain improvements in the field of mentoring are needed. Based on their opinions and suggestions, solutions and constructive suggestions were provided to the Fitness Association of Slovenia, as this is the only way their work can be further improved. With our research we found out that, even though fitness world continues to grow and develop, fitness mentors think they don't need any additional knowledge or training to become better mentors.
Ključne besede:
effective mentor
effective mentoring
personal fitness trainer
personal training
the Fitness Association of Slovenia (FZS).
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