
Celostna grafična podoba internetne osebnosti
ID Čander, Tadeja (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je opisan proces izdelave celostne grafične podobe za internetno osebnost – ustvarjalca na platformi Twitch. Družabna omrežja in ustvarjanje spletnih vsebin so dandanes eden izmed načinov pridobivanja prepoznavnosti – tako tudi nastane nova zvrst grafičnega oblikovanja. Zaradi velikega števila konkurentov morajo vplivneži in spletni ustvarjalci vedno poskrbeti za svojo unikatnost, če si želijo uspeti. Kot so spletne strani za podjetja, so profili/kanali na družabnih omrežjih za uporabnika prvi vtis o ustvarjalcu oziroma vplivnežu. Zaradi tega je potrebno narediti dober vizualni vtis, saj je to nekaj, kar najprej pritegne uporabnika. Teoretični del govori o spletnih osebnostih in o platformi Twitch ter o različnih programih, ki jih uporabljajo ustvarjalci na tej platformi. V eksperimentalnem delu naloge je opisan proces izdelave celostne grafične podobe za ustvarjalca. Raziskan je trg in konkurenca, definirane so reference in prvotna idejna zasnova, prav tako je določena ciljna skupina. Opisan je postopek določanja lastnosti podobe, nato je opisana izdelava vseh posameznih delov podobe. Celostna grafična podoba je bila ustvarjena s programi Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC in Adobe After Effects CC. Vse grafike so bile zatem prenesene na naročnikov kanal na Twitchu. V razpravi so podrobneje opisane naloge posameznih grafik in njihova vključitev na kanalu in uporabljenih družabnih omrežjih.

Keywords:celostna grafična podoba, Twitch, ustvarjanje vsebin, predvajanje v živo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119261 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Viisual identity of an internet personality
The thesis describes the process of creating a visual identity of an internet personality - a Twitch content creator. Nowadays, social media and content creation are one of many ways to gain an audience, which creates a new branch of graphic design. Due to a large amount of competition, influencers and content creators must offer something unique if they wish for success. Like websites are for companies, social media profiles/channels provide a first impression for influencers and creators in the same way, which makes creating an appealing visual image vital – it is what the user notices first. The theoretical part of the thesis describes online personalities, Twitch as a platform and various programs that creators of Twitch use for streaming. In the experimental part of the thesis, the process of creating the visual image is described. Market and competition are researched, references and concepts are defined, as is the target audience. It describes the process of defining the properties of the brand and visual image, then continues with the work done on the rest of the graphic parts of the identity. The visual identity was created using Adobe Illustrator CC, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Adobe After Effects CC. All created graphics were then imported to the client’s channel on Twitch. The debate part of the thesis describes the roles of certain graphics and their incorporation on the channel and other social media platforms the client uses in more detail.

Keywords:visual identity, Twitch, content creation, streaming

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