Introduction: Interactions between ethanol and drugs may occur with the concurrent use of ethanol and drugs. Mechanisms of interactions of ethanol with drugs have not been studied as thoroughly.
Aim: The aim of this thesis is to present an overview of clinically relevant pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions of ethanol with drugs, with focus on elderly. The aim of the thesis is to create recommendations for concomitant use of ethanol and certain drugs.
Methods: A review of the scientific and professional literature about interactions of ethanol with drugs in PubMed database was conducted. The search was performed with following search profile: »drugs AND (alcohol OR ethanol) AND interactions« and limits: Humans, Review, Systematic Review and Mety-Analysis in period 2014–2020. The clinical significance of the interactions was summarized according to the classification used by the Internet database.
Results and discussion: We included 4 review articles in our overview of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions of ethanol with drugs and we selected 64 drugs as clinically relevant. Clinically relevant pharmacokinetic interactions occur only at the level of absorption and metabolism, where the pharmacokinetics of ethanol and/or drugs are altered. The presence of ethanol with certain drugs (acitretin, methylphenidate, carisoprodol) affects the formation of metabolites that alter the action of drugs on organism. In pharmacodynamic interactions, ethanol most often potentiates the inhibitory effect of drugs acting on the central nervous system. A large number of elderly, due to the concomitant use od ethanol and drugs, show an increased risk of orthostatic hypotension, bleeding and increased sedation which can lead to falls and fractures.
Conclusion: By knowing the mechanisms of interactions and with recommendations for concomitant use of ethanol and certain drugs, we could contribute to the prevention or reduction of the number of potential interactions and avoid the side effects of interactions.