
K fryevskemu branju starovzhodnoslovanske kronike Pripoved o minulih letih
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Magistrsko delo poskuša odgovoriti na dvojno vprašanje »pristojnosti« in »uporabnosti« literarnoteoretske misli Northropa Frya za potrebe interpretacije srednjeveškega vzhodnoslovanskega kroniškega besedila, znanega pod naslovom Pripoved o minulih letih (svslv. Pověst' vremennyx lět; skrajšano PVL), ki ga je avtor magistrskega dela prevedel v slovenski jezik. Vprašanje pristojnosti je formulirano kot smotrnost odločitve za uporabo specifičnega teoretsko-metodološkega ogrodja za interpretacijo besedila s stališča relevantnosti tega ogrodja in njegove »primernosti času« na eni strani ter kulturne, »civilizacijske« pristojnosti v odnosu do kulture, v katero je bilo interpretirano besedilo zapisano in skozi katero se je kasneje prenašalo, na drugi strani. Vprašanje uporabnosti, ki ga v delu pojmujemo kot »pomoč pri odpiranju uvida«, je odvisno od pristojnosti teoretskega pristopa; pristojni pristop je lahko uporaben ali ne, o čemer lahko presodimo s pregledom morebitnih že obstoječih poskusov interpretacije besedila skozi določen teoretski pristop ali s poskusom lastne interpretacije besedila skozenj. V delu po pregledu temeljnih postavk Fryeve literarne teorije in njenega položaja v sodobnem teoretskem horizontu ter njene recepcije v rusko govorečem prostoru (ob čemer se dotaknemo problematičnosti te »civilizacijsko bistvenostne« formulacije) pridemo do ugotovitve, da je to teoretsko ogrodje za interpretacijo PVL pristojno z obeh zgoraj navedenih stališč. Po pregledu zgodovinskega, tekstovnega in idejnega konteksta PVL se za odgovor na vprašanje uporabnosti Fryeve teorije, v tem primeru njegove tipologije pripovednih kategorij ali »mythoi«, obrnemo k branju PVL, ki ga je s fryevskimi metodami, prenesenimi skozi teorijo metazgodovine Haydna Whita, opravil Donald Ostrowski. V zaključni diskusiji lahko sklenemo, da je bilo omenjeno branje uspešno in da – ob določenih manjših zadržkih – uveljavlja uporabnost Fryeve misli za interpretacijo PVL.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:literarna teorija Northropa Frya, Pripoved o minulih letih, interpretacijska pristojnost in uporabnost, metazgodovinopisje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113552 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:19.01.2020
Število ogledov:783
Število prenosov:126
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Towards a Fryean Reading of the Old East Slavonic Chronicle The Tale of Bygone Years
This Master's Thesis strives to provide an answer to the twofold question of the »cognizance« (in Slovene: »pristojnost«) and »applicability« of Northrop Frye's literary theory for the purposes of interpreting the medieval Old East Slavonic chronicle known under the title »The Tale of Bygone Years« (OES: Pověst' vremennykh lět; shortened: PVL), which has been translated into Slovene by the author of the Thesis. The question of cognizance is formulated as that of the propriety of the decision to employ a specific theoretical or methodological framework in order to interpret a text, taking into account the relevance of the framework and its »timeliness« on the one hand and its cultural, »civilizational« cognizance in relation to the culture into which the interpreted text has been inscribed and through which it was subsequently relayed, on the other hand. The question of applicability is also described in the Thesis as »help in providing insight«. It depends on the cognizance of the theoretical framework in question; the cognizant theoretical framework can be expedient or not, which is determined either by taking into account potential pre-existent attempts at interpreting the text in question through this theoretical framework or by providing a fresh attempt at interpreting the text through this framework. In the Thesis we can determine – by, firstly, providing an account of the foundational principles of Fryean literary theory and its standing in the contemporary theoretical horizon, as well as its reception in the Russian-speaking cultural sphere (when dealing with the latter, we acknowledge the problematic nature of such a »civilizational essentialist« formulation) – that Fryean theory is »cognizant« in matters relating to the PVL from both of the aforementioned standpoints. After examining the historical, text-critical and ideological contexts of the PVL we approach – with the goal of determining the expedience of Frye's theoretical framework for our purposes (in this specific case, his typology of narrative categories, or »mythoi«) – a reading of the PVL by Donald Ostrowski, which employed Fryean methods relayed through Hayden White's theory of Metahistory. In the final discussion we can conclude that this reading was successful; we can thus determine that (taking minor hindrances into account) Fryean thought is useful and expedient for the purposes of interpreting the PVL.

Ključne besede:literary theory of Northrop Frye, The Tale of Bygone Years, interpretational cognizance and expedience, metahistory

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