Communication is a process of transfering information from one person, or group, to another. Internal communication is the exchange of information within a company for business purposes. External communication is what happens between two or more organizations, or between the company and the media. Digitalization in companies vastly improves work operations, business functions and activities.
Internal communication within Revoz company includes mailing lists, intranet, TV information screens, mobile application »InsideʼR« and the publications »Aktualno za sodelavce Revoza« and »Revozov Klub«. The company communicates externally with the media and the public primarily through its website, the annual report, social media and press conferences. A large part of the company is robotized, and communication boards have been replaced with TV information screens, which are a result of the digitalization within the company.
Groupe Renault published on its website the guidelines for designing graphic products. In this Thesis we presented an overall design of Groupe Renault, as well as current graphic products of Revoz company and our suggestions for more modernized and updated products, which are in compliance with Groupe Renault guidelines.