The purpose and aim of this graduate thesis is, on the basis of observation, analyzing,
and comparison of currently available sources and literature, to offer added value to the
field of training young the martial art of Tae Kwon Do. Training encompasses a wide
specter of activities, which a successful trainer should consider during his work. Besides
the proffesional sports competences, the trainer must master pedagogy and psychology
as well as be a role model and a leader.
In my bachelor thesis I wish to form guidelines for a trainer's work with kids in different
phases. I have defined the phases based on, at first unofficially, and later officially defined
age categories in Olympic Tae Kwon Do. The youngest boys and girls are between ages
5 and 8, followed by younger cadets from 9 to 11, followed by cadets between 12 and
14 and the oldest being juniors between the ages 15 and 17.
To study domestic and foreign literature I will use a descriptive method, which is based
on observation, description, comparison and analyzing. It draws conclusions by
connecting the results.
Besides guidelines for the work of trainer's in each of the described phases, I wish to
compare the phases among themselves and based on my own experience, existing
literature and observations, prepare a holistic view of a trainer's work with kids in Olympic
version of Tae Kwon Do. In guidelines for trainer's work I wish to include knowledge as
well as inner influences. Outer influences mainly consist of parents and society, while
inner influences are mostly defined by motivation or better, the dynamic component of
personality and personal characteristics of the individual. At the same time, I would like
to show trainer's work in a positive light, where trainer's main motive is to develop
younglings with an aim towards an adaptive desire to excel, as oppose to non-adaptive
pathological perfectionism. I am aware, that trainer leaves a strong imprint in a growingup phase of the young - I wish it to be a positive one.