Introduction: Lower back pain (LBP) is a serious worldwide health problem. It is estimated that up to 60-80% of grown-ups has experienced LBP in their lifetime, of which in 10-20% of cases, it has progressed to chronic pain, when it lasts for longer than three months. The prognosis is unwell and connected with high medical treatment expenses and inability to work. Unspecific LBP is defined as a localised pain from lower rib arch to buttock wrinkles in a combination with or without leg pain, without specific pathology as tumors, breaks or inflamations in the spinal area. Physical works including lifting, dragging or pushing loads higher than 11 kilograms, working in a standing position, work insatisfaction, smaller muscle strength, overweightness and smoking all contribute to higher risks of LBP development. LBP therapy is 95% conservative, physically-rehabilitational methods are also used. A new alternative is treatment with elastic adhesive tapes. Those were designed as treatment supplements, as they provide support and stability to muscles and joints without limiting their movability. Elastic adhesive tape applications improve muscle functions, increase blood and limpf circulation, reduce pain, support joints and have a segmental effect. Purpose: We wanted to introduce the effect of elastic adhesive tape applications with or without tension to chronical unspecified lower back pain. Methods: With remote access data bases, we obtained 6 researches. Those were published from 2012 to 2018 and included experiments with elastic adhesive tape applications with or without tension. Results: Majority of the results show, that tension precentage does not have an influence on reducing pain in case of chronin unspecified lower back pain. Indicidual researches show improvements, but those are minimal to the extent that they have no clinical significance. Even in other measurements, as movement and inability, no significant connections were found in elastic adhesive tape application. Discussion and conclusion: Elastic adhesive tapes can be used as a supplement to treatment and pain reduction to other phisiotherapeutic procedures. They are safe, easy to apply and cheap.