The number of intercountry adoptions of children, especially from the Russian Federation, is growing from year to year. The reason is the established procedural adoption practice, which has significantly shortened the waiting period of the adoption of Russian orphans and reduced the uncertainty of the success of adoption. In addition, corrupt ways of adoption contribute to a faster adoption process, which together with excessive costs represent one of the main problems of intercountry adoption. To the topical issues of intercountry adoptions belong also the less well-known post-institutional psychological issues, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Unlike the high demand for the adoption of Russian orphans, there is no interest in Roma children among adoptive parents. The high demand for intercountry adoption of children from Latin America and Eastern Europe, poor legal systems and the lack of respect for international instruments governing intercountry adoption, led to the creation of the so-called black market for children, cases of child trafficking and incitement or extortion of consent to adoption in exchange for a cash equivalent.