
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Saša Čučnik

Together there are 42 keywords, that are appearing 43 times.
1 of them (2.38 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 2 times (4.65 % of all appearances).

2x100%resolvin D1
1xlipoksin A4, BOC2, Sistemska skleroza, tenascin C, serumski amiloid A, revmatoidni artritis, signalna pot JAK-STAT, tofacitinib, analiza sekvenciranja RNA na nivoju posameznih celic, metoda Comet, endogene poškodbe DNA, protitelesa proti infliksimabu, premostitvena ELISA, kislinska ločba, infliksimab, dejavnik tumorske nekroze alfa, eksogene poškodbe DNA, popravljalni mehanizmi DNA., kronična vnetna črevesna bolezen, protitelesa proti SAA, ELISA, adiponektin, AdipoRon, nevtrofilne zunajcelične pasti, proteini SNARE, poškodbe DNA, oksidativni stres, vnetje, fibroza, monociti, oksidaza NADPH, punicalagin, covid-19, imunski odziv, sistemska skleroza, adhezijske molekule, tkivni faktor, antifosfolipidni sindrom, antifosfolipidna protitelesa, vnetni citokini, protitelesa proti IL-6