
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Boris Rogelj

Together there are 65 keywords, that are appearing 94 times.
12 of them (18.46 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 41 times (43.62 % of all appearances).

6x14.63%FTD, C9orf72
3x7.32%TDP-43, izražanje proteinov
2x4.88%SFPQ, FUS, nevrodegeneracija, stresne granule, SNORD116, oksidativni stres, Prader-Willijev sindrom
1xiPSCs, molekularna diagnostika, scCRISPR, DPR, citoplazemska agregacija, hnRNPA1, MATR3, UBQLN2, VCP, NTERA-2/D1, proteini, demenca, frontotemporalna, C9-ALS, dipeptidne, RAN-translacija, ponovitve, skleroza, lateralna, G-kvadrupleks, Ponovitve G4C2, biotehnologija, aminoacilacija tRNA, amiotrofična, interaktorji, SH-SY5Y, PABPC1, hladna atmosferska plazma, c9orf72, kvercetin, natrijev arzenit, celični stres, FARS, psoralen-TEG azid, kinaza c-Src, protein FUS, snoRNA, COMRADES, prečno povezovanje RNA, eIF2α, parapege, proteini z dipeptidnimi ponovitvami, NONO, HEK293T, sistem Flp-in, protismerna RNA, skupki G4C2, nemembranski organeli, HNRNPK, molekulsko kloniranje, heksanukleotidne ponovitve, G–kvadrupleksi, FARSA