
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Gregor Jurak

Together there are 42 keywords, that are appearing 61 times.
7 of them (16.67 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 26 times (42.62 % of all appearances).

5x19.23%telesna dejavnost
3x11.54%longitudinalna študija, veljavnost
2x7.69%Medgeneracijski trendi, vprašalnik
1xkoordinacija, zanesljivost, gibljivost, ravnotežje, SHAPES, Fitbit, medgeneracijske razlike, telesna masa, telesna višina, merilniki pospeškov, pospeškometer, pametna zapestnica, epidemiološko spremljanje, gibanje, najstniki, družina, izolacija, MVPA, poraba energije, pandemija, covid-19, strategija športa, Mestna občina Celje, 24-urno gibalno vedenje, zdravstvena korist, športna vzgoja, pes, strateški management, telesni fitnes, starši, vzroki, otroci in mladostniki, telesna nedejavnost, prihod v šolo, življenjski slog