
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Darja Žgur Bertok

Together there are 54 keywords, that are appearing 59 times.
2 of them (3.7 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 7 times (11.86 % of all appearances).

5x71.43%Escherichia coli
2x28.57%izražanje genov
1xizolacija proteina, protein Imu3, patogene bakterije, Usp-GFP, genotoksin, uropatogeni specifični protein, poliketidna sintaza, naravni produkt, peptidna sintetaza, trikarbalilna skupina, virulentni dejavniki, Usp, fluorescentni proteini, citotoksičnost, Se, ROS, genotoksičnost, HepG2, PLGA, PCL, fenotipska heterogenost, sekundarni metabolizem, fluorescentna mikroskopija, zdravila/cisplatin/etopozid/imatinib/5-fluorouracil/test MTT/ test komet/jetrne celice rib cebric (ZFL), nanodelci, genska fuzija, biosinteza, genotoksini, odpornost proti antibiotikom, protein imunosti ClbS, sideroforji, jersiniabaktin, dejavniki virulence, filogenetske skupine, nosečnost, gestacijski diabetes mellitus, debelost, kratkoverižne maščobne kisline, enterobaktin, genske fuzije, aktinoplanska kislina, fluorescenca, rapamicin, sinergija, črevesna mikrobiota, heterogenost, aerobaktin, heterogeno izražanje, razdelitev metabolnega dela, hemolizin, fimbrije, aktinobakterije