
The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Jure Demšar

Together there are 82 keywords, that are appearing 91 times.
7 of them (8.54 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 16 times (17.58 % of all appearances).

3x18.75%real-time bidding, click-through rate prediction
2x12.5%incremental learning, demand-side platform, napovedovanje, machine learning, big data
1xmagnetic resonance imaging, Bayesian optimization, Online learning, intelligent systems, spletno oglaševanje, COVID-19, napoved porazdelitve ponudb, dražbe v realnem času, Deep learning, Factorization machines, matrična faktorizacija, faktorizacijske metode, priporočilni sistem, ekstremno gradientno spodbujevanje, spletni kazinoji, CTR prediction, censored data, Bayesova logistična regresija, regresija, performance metrics, project success, quantitative data analysis, konvolucijska nevronska mreža, globoko gručenje, nenadzorovano učenje, gručenje slik, segmentacija slik, project management information system, računalniške igre, logistična regresija, agile project management, model SIR, feature transformation, razvoj iger, psihološki testi, kognitivni trening, igrifikacija, spletni trg, data science, Bayesian statistics, basketball, spletna aplikacija, klinično odločanje, funkcijska konektivnost, artificial intelligence, referenčne vrednosti, football, home advantage, stock price forecasting, bootstrap., confidence intervals, chance-constrained optimization, risk-estimation, neural networks, stock trading, fMRI, metrike, mobilne tehnologije, time series, maintenance logs, mobilne naprave, razvoj igre, trženje, mobilna igra, Uncertainty, machine logs, predictive maintenance, gostovanje dokumentacije, avtomatizirano generiranje dokumentacije, časovne vrste, neprekinjena integracija in dostava, Sphinx, QuNex, Read the Docs, feature embedding